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  1. Mindspin311

    Looking for IEMs that can be either wired, or adapt to BT

    Just moved to Shanghai for a work program and I am now taking the train to work every day. So music is pretty much required. I just recently bought a pair of NuForce EDC from Massdrop, but promptly left them on the plane. I didn't get much time with them, but my initial observations were that...
  2. Mindspin311

    My tried and true JVC FX-33B (Marshmallow) are dead, what now?

    From a HeadFi recomendation over 10 years ago, I bought a pair of these budget headphones, and have loved them for the past 10+ years. Alas, one of the cables broken, and I need a replacement. -Around $30-35 -IEM style with good isolation for travel Goodnight, sweet prince....
  3. Mindspin311

    Looking for replacement to my PX100's

    My original PX100s from 2006 finally broke. Ive been completely out of the game for years now. I see there is a PX100-II and a PX200-II. I cant image I could go wrong with either of those. Thoughts?
  4. Mindspin311

    Windows doesnt recognize my iPod when my external HD is plugged in?

    I just a new external harddrive that I put all my music in, its connected via USB. But now whenever I plug my iPod in, windows only recognizes it as a removable drive and neither iTunes or Winamp recognizes it. Anyone have any clue what the problem could be?
  5. Mindspin311

    A Perfect Circle

    Damn these are some good sounding albums. I find myself playing songs of theirs first when I get a new pair of headphones. The quality of the recordings are great IMHO.
  6. Mindspin311

    HD600 grills and an HD650 calble, I need to do this mod???

    So I bought a pair of HD580s off Amazon tonight. Ive also seen a lot of talk about switching to HD600 grills and swapping the stock cable for one from the HD650s. Do I need to do this mod? Are the 580s that much better? Also, how does changing the grills affect the sound?
  7. Mindspin311

    Home theater receivers as good sources?

    I have a Kenwood 2ch receiver sitting in my closet colleting dust. Would it fair well as a good source? I would assume it would provide more than enough power to drive the higher impendance rated headphones on the market. For example, the HD580s at 300ohm.
  8. Mindspin311

    HD580s $125 off Amazon, convince me to buy these

    Haha well here is the deal. Its a damn good deal! $125 for such an awesome pair of headphones. I can afford these but I cant. I have the money, but I should be saving money. But this deal is too damn good to pass up! So, Head Fi, convince me on why I need to splurge some and buy myself a pair of...
  9. Mindspin311

    Best laptop Audio solution for $100 or less???

    I own a Dell laptop and it has a noticable hiss out of its headphone jack. Not to mention on board audio isnt all that great. What are some $100 or less solutions that I can look in to? I know M Audio and Creative have various products, but I figured I would ask here. Im thinking that a line-out...
  10. Mindspin311

    V Moda Vibes vs. Etymotic ER6i

    Which is better? They both cost the same, both have great reviews on the website, both look great. Its a hard decision, which would you go with?
  11. Mindspin311

    Little Dot Micro+... Good for home and portable use???

    Obviously the LDM was designed for portability, but would it work well as a compact home amp? Does it have the power to drive larger cans like HD580s or similar?
  12. Mindspin311

    Canalphones vs. IEMs

    Are canalphones and IEMs the same thing or are they different styles? Reading the forums Ive been a bit confused about this.
  13. Mindspin311

    Whats my next step???

    So I have a pair of KSC75s and PX100s and both are some awesome phones, but I only paid a combined $50 for them. Whats the next thing I need to get? Im thinking a pair of closed phones, maybe some Grados since everyone talks so much about them. What are your suggestions???
  14. Mindspin311

    iPod battery life increasing?

    I just bought a 5.5G iPod, and this is the first time the battery meter has been red. Im not really sure how many hours I got out of it since I was using it on and off the past 2 days. Anyways, as I cycle the battery between charged and letting it get run down to the red, will the life of it...
  15. Mindspin311

    Put the Best Skin Ever on my 5.5G yesterday

    How long did you let your iPod sit before you used it again? The instructions suggest 24hrs, but mine looked fine after 12hrs when I woke up this morning.
  16. Mindspin311

    Bass problem with KSC75s

    So I bought a pair of these along with my 5.5G iPod last week. Im here at work listening to them and I am hearing a little bit of distortion in the lower ranges. I had the EQ on the iPod set to rock at the time, I have since turned the EQ off. I am curious though as to why this would be...
  17. Mindspin311

    Holy PX100s Batman!!!!

    Holy s**t!!!! I cant believe what Ive been missing. These things sound great, the bass is awesome.
  18. Mindspin311

    Attempting to manage my iPod with Winamp

    Just got my iPod earlier tonight, Im currently trying to add songs to it via Winamp. Lets see how this goes....
  19. Mindspin311

    Getting music on your iPod without using iTunes???

    I know that there are some programs out there that will let you load music onto your iPod without having to use iTunes. Im looking for something that will let me drag and drop songs. I just recently bought a 5.5G iPod and checked the ephpod website but it seems that the software isnt suited very...
  20. Mindspin311

    What is the thinnest portable amp out there?

    I just ordered a 5.5G iPod and Id like to start looking into an amp to pair it with. My only real requirement at the moment is size. Id like to be able to put the amp and iPod in my pocket without much hassle. So my question is, what is the thinnest amp out there?
  21. Mindspin311

    iSkin eVo3... who has one on their iPod

    Any thoughts on this? Im sure someone is using one.
  22. Mindspin311

    Just ordered a pair of PX100s and KSC75s

    Hopefully they live up to all the hype. Ill know in a week or so.
  23. Mindspin311

    Hmm, dilemma with iPod, please help.

    Ok so here is the deal. Im buying an iPod tomorrow once my paycheck is in. Here are my options: 1. Brand new 30gb 5.5G for $249.99 + whatever or 2. Refurb'd 60gb 5G for $229.99 + whatever Now I really dont need 60gb of space, 30 is fine for me, I would probably just put more video...
  24. Mindspin311

    OK guys, sell me on Rockbox

    It seems that the rockbox website isnt working to well right now so I figure I would ask a few questions here. How hard is it to install? What are the major benefits? Are there any bad things about converting? Im buying a new 5.5G 30gb iPod as soon as my paycheck hits my bank account, so...
  25. Mindspin311

    Best headphones for an iPod for $50 or less?

    Ill be purchasing a 5.5G iPod at the end of the month, at the same time Id like a good set of headphones/IEMs/canalphones whatever you want to call them. I dont prefer a certain style of headphones, just the best I can get for $50 or less. So let me know whats out there. Thanks!