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  • Users: d3myz
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  1. d3myz

    Sub $150 MMCX IEM's w/ detachable cables for bluetooth

    Hi All, I'm looking for a good entry to mid level audiophile quality set of IEM's. I recently purchased the Advanced Model 3's and the BT chord/harness/necklace thingy is a nightmare for me, but the sound quality seems very nice. I have thought about purchasing Shure or Mee Audio's Bluetooth...
  2. d3myz

    Headphone and IEM testing equipment

    I recently got a job as a field tester for a major headphone manufacturer and I need some recommendations on headphone amps and other testing IEM's and headphones for comparison. I already own some Beyer Dynamic DT770's, Ultimate Ears Super.Fi. 5 Pro's, Shure E115's, SkullCandy SK Pro's and...