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  1. sandwichman1973

    Budget amp for AKG 272/271? (Fiio E9 vs. Head Box Mk II?)

    I´m looking for a good budget amp for my AKG 272. Right now I´m using a small portable Little Dot Micro +. Fiio E9 is maybe my best choice? I´m also interested in the Head Box Mk II. Any AKG owners out there with any experience of these amps, or perhaps any other suggestions?
  2. sandwichman1973

    AKG 272 HD amp uppgrade?

    My new AKG 272 sounds very good. Right now I have them connected to my small portable LDM+. But I´m interested in the Fiio E9. Do you think that there will be a noticeble improvement in sq using the E9 instead of the LDM+?   (I really love the detailed sound of my new AKG:s. The...
  3. sandwichman1973

    Ultrasone HFI-580´s comfort? Please share your experiences.

    I am very close to by these phones, but I am worried about the comfort. Are there any problems with too much pressure or the cups beeing too small? I will use it in bed for long time listening. Are the HFI-580 the right choice for me or shall I look at something else?
  4. sandwichman1973

    Audio Technica ATH M-50 directly from Iphone?

    Is it possible to drive the M-50 directly from my Iphone, or will I loose too much in terms of sound quality?
  5. sandwichman1973

    Help! Buying my first full-size cans.

      Don´t know what to buy.   I´m looking att these options:   Audio Technica ATH A-700 Audio Technica ATH M-50 Beyerdynamic DT 770 (32 ohm) Beyerdynamic DT 880/990 (32 ohm)   I will be using my cans in bed with fiio e7 and Iphone.   I listen to rock, pop and acoustic...
  6. sandwichman1973

    Need help. PA2V2 vs. Fiio E7

    1. Should I get the PA2V2 or the E7? 2. Why?   I will use it with my Iphone 3 and a line out with Grados, CAL:s and X10.
  7. sandwichman1973

    Klipsch X10i vs Etymotic HF2? Comments please.

    I started my in ear journey with the etys. But after a while I wanted some more base and went for the S4i. But I couldn´t stand the muffled sound and went back to my etys. But now I find my self unsatisfied with the ety sound. I want a richer sound sound with good base, and after reading a lot...
  8. sandwichman1973

    How will they fit my ears? Etymotic MC5 vs. HF2.

    I have used the HF2:s for a long period of time and i realy like how they fit my ears. Now i wonder if the MC5:s are similar. The shape of the MC5:s looks quite diferent. Do they go as deep as the HF2:s?
  9. sandwichman1973

    Bored of Ety HF2, go to Klipsh S4i?

    I´m tired of the clinical sound oh my HF2 and now I,m looking for something more fun sounding for my Iphone. What do you think of the Klipsh S4i? Are the cable noise disturbing? Do they really need 100 hrs of burn in?
  10. sandwichman1973

    Mod tips for Denon 1001/ Creative Aurvana Live!

    Hi, A few days ago i bought the Creative Aurvana Live!. Half the price compared to the Denons. I really like the sound and the comfort but I´m tempted to mod them for even better sound. I would like to know if there are some easy mods that will improve the sound of the CAL/Denon 1001...
  11. sandwichman1973

    New portables: Sennheiser PX 200-II or Creative Aurvana Live?

    Hi. I´m going to buy me a new set of portables. I`m using the Etymotic HF2:s and the ATH-SJ5. I love my Etymotics and I like the sound of the SJ5:s, but the comfort...aoooo!! They really hurt my ears. I like pop, rock, acoustic and some jazz. So now i`m wondering if i should buy the Senns...
  12. sandwichman1973

    Cheapest Sennheiser PX 200-II?

    I´m living i Europe, and the PX 200:s is rather expensive here. Where is the cheapest place to order them from when i Europe? I guess that is not an option, so what other stores can i turn to that ships to Europe? Anyone? Btw, the PX 200:s costs about 110$ here in Sweden. Urgh...
  13. sandwichman1973

    Alternatives to portapro stock pads

    Hi. What alternatives have you used to the PortaPro stock earpads? And if so, what changes in the sound have you noticed? I´m interested in changing earpads on my PortaPros, but I dint know what i should replace them with. Some advice, anyone?
  14. sandwichman1973

    Danger! Olives on HF5/HF2.

    I like the Olives a lot, but i have some serious problems with removing them. I´m afraid that i will damage the nozzle. The Olives fit is way to tight so right now i´m using Complys. Can anyone help me with this problem? Can i use Olives and still feel comfort when it´s time to remove them, or...
  15. sandwichman1973

    etymotic Foam eartips vs. Comply Foam Tips P-Series?

    Hi, My original foam eartips that came with the HF2s is broken. And my simple question is: Should i by the original ones or try the Comply Foam Tips P-Series? Pros and cons, anyone?
  16. sandwichman1973

    Etymotic HF2 / HF5 Appreciation Thread

    About three weeks ago i decided to buy my self a new pair of headphones for my Ipod 3G. After spending lots and lots of hours here on Head-Fi and other forums i finally decided to get the Etymotic HF2 head set. And...from that moment my music listening changed. Everything you play sounds...
  17. sandwichman1973

    Q-jays sound signature?

    How would you describe the q-jays sound signature? Analytical, fun, warm, cold, boring or what? I am really interested in these but I can´t listen to them before buying.
  18. sandwichman1973

    Monster Turbine vs. Q-jays

    Help! Which one of these is the best in terms of sound qality (mids, highs, bass) and isolation?
  19. sandwichman1973

    Q-jays or Etymotic hf2 for I-phone?

    I fid i hard to pick the better one of these two IEM:s. I will use it for my I-phone, and maybe the Etys will be the better one? Wat do you think? How do they compare when it comes to the thing that really matters. SOUND!! Help me pick the best one, and please, tell me why.
  20. sandwichman1973

    Grado sounding IEM needed.

    Hi, I´m a huge fan of my Grado SR-60, and looking desperatly for a pair of IEM:s with a Grado-like sound. Can you give me some options for this? Price range: Max 150$