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  1. Frankie Lee

    Closed back & lightweight please

    I love my Senn 650's but I find them a bit heavy for when I'm working and the wife complains of the noise level when I turn them up. Any recommendations for something with a similar sound-balance that's lighter and with a closed-back? My budget is sub €150 so I'm not expecting the same caliber...
  2. Frankie Lee

    How do I get the best from my iPod?

    I'm sure this is asked a lot, but I can't find any clear answers, so I thought I'd ask. Short of coughing up huge moola for the Wadia, how do I get decent sound from my 80gig iPod into my amp?. At the moment I'm using an old iPod dock but the sound is very thin and quiet. Should I look at the...
  3. Frankie Lee

    €250 upgrade - what to do

    I listen to music mainly from two sources: My Intel mac and a Arcam receiver using a pair of Grado SR60s. Through the mac the sound is pretty good. A little too bright, but not too bad. The sound from the headphone socket on the receiver is pretty bad. Very dull and shut-in (no surprise)...