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    2.1 Stereo Set-Up question(s).

    So after many years of headphone listening I have finally decided to wet my feet in the world of shelf speakers. Unfortunately I know almost nothing of set-up or otherwise. I know I want to buy each component seperately so I can upgrade easier later on and after many hours of research I have...

    Curiosity has gotten the best of me.

    As my thread title states my curiosity has piqued. So my question is fairly basic. How many albums do some of you guys own? I mean like who has the biggest album collection? Be it LP's, EP's, CD's, Cassettes etc...

    Getting drunk... serious question for extremely serious people (title change)

    So I hit 21 this year on the 4th of July (I know, I'm just cool like that) now I've never much of a drinker but have drank before 21 and plenty now that I'm of legal age. Here's the kicker... I can't get drunk, I mean I assume something does change but it's too subtle for me to notice. The past...

    Tagging question. Don't know if it's been answered before.

    My music collection was getting a nice orginization today and after a few hours of fixing all the file names (I like the look for some reason) I realized I needed to fix the tags also. So the question I have is: Is there a program that will take the filename of a track and use to to name the...

    ER4-P sound bore cracked. Suggestions?

    *sigh* After being faithful to me for 5 years the red earpiece finally cracked. Here's my dilemma I absolutely love their sound signature and was considering buying another pair or getting the ER4-S (which kinda seems redundant to me since I can just buy the extra plug to convert the ER4-P to...

    New Cans MS2i

    Well I just took the plunge on a whim and decided to buy me some full size cans, I've been living in the IEM world for about 2 yrs with my ER4P's when I realized I need some full sized cans so I started researching and come up on these Grado/Alessandro cans and have read almost nothing but...

    ER4P and RSA Shadow amp

    as the title says would this be a good pairing with a Ipod Classic with an LOD? I'm pretty satisfied with the Bass on my ER4P's as of now but I know they need an amp to fully bring the true beast in 'em. I am open to suggestion and I have read nothing but praise to the Minibox E+ amp pairing...

    Etymotic ER4P and Custom Molds Question

    Well a few months ago I finally took the plunge and bought my first "expensive IEM" which happened to be the ER4P. Boy I couldn't be happier they are so accurate, now I bought these used for $125 and they didn't come with any type of tips. Fortunately my bro had some ER6i small tips which i...

    Lookin' To Upgrade

    Well hello everyone longtime lurker here. So a couple of days ago I finally decided it's time for an upgrade but I need some help. First of all what I'm upgrading from is some etymotic's er6i's and man do I love the clarity in those phones now I've been looking at 2 particular models the Q-Jays...