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  • Users: md01
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  1. md01

    Nikon D2X

    Wooo Hooo! Finally, the specs for Nkon D2X have leaked to our part of the globe. If anybody interested you can find pictures and specs here. Looks impressive, but will most likely cost an arm and a leg. I can't wait for official announcement and release date. I want it!
  2. md01

    PS-1 owner

    I received my pair of PS-1 headphones today! Thanks to everyone who provided grado headphones at the last mini-meet in Seattle area. Both what I read here and the auditioning of HP-1, MS Pro, SR-200, and SR-225 headphones convinced me to take the plunge for these cans. So far I can't say that I...
  3. md01

    To Grado or not to Grado

    Over the past couple of months my rock collection began to grow. As time goes by, I can't help but think of trying out the Grado sound. I started with CD3k and than upgraded or sidegraded to HD650 w/ Zu. Since I got Senns, CD3ks been getting little attention. I'm a basshead and HD650 has lots of...
  4. md01

    Zu Mobius isn't very comfy!

    I got my HD650 today. So far so good. The first thing I did was to swap oem cable with Zu Mobius. I have to say that I find this cable to be somewhat uncomfortable. The cable is wrapped in nylon type of material which makes the cable very ridged. As such, the cable has a tendency to twist, turn...
  5. md01

    Bump for 100 posts

    Yeah it took a long time to get here. I would like to thank God, my family.... No, just wanted to have 100 posts tonight! Thanks for looking.
  6. md01

    HR-2's power led

    What's the life expectancy for an led. I've been leaving my HR-2 plugged in at all times, while the led just keeps burning. I know that leds have long life expectancy, but I wouldn't want it to burn out. Any thoughts? Should I just not worry about?
  7. md01

    Ack! Dack!

    Just receieved Ack! dAck! couple of hours ago. This's my first decent source, so I can't compare it to anything. However, I can say without a doubt, that this component made significant difference in the musical presentation. I'd go as far as to say that Ack made more difference than my amp when...
  8. md01

    solid state or tubed cdp?

    Would solid-state or tubed cdp be a better match for hr-2? I've been reading a lot of good things about Jolida jd 100a. I'm also looking at used sony xa777es. Any thoughts or recommendations?
  9. md01

    what source for cd3k and hr-2?

    I have an amp and a pair of cans on the way. However, I can't say that I have a very good source to complement them. Can you guys/girls recommned a source in the $300-800 range. There are some obvious choices like Philisp 963sa and some modded sonys. What about music hall cd25 stage 1. All...
  10. md01

    XP7 + A900

    I have XP7 on order. I wounder how A900 will sound with this amp. I've also been avoiding my temptation to get CD3k. Since, I can't addition both, I would like to know how they compare when mated with this amp (especially from owners of emmelines and the two cans).
  11. md01

    feedback please

    Ok, I ordered a pair of DT250-80 from bhphotovideo ($142) and finally received them yesterday. They sound good for my purposes (music thru pc soundcard). However, while I was waiting for them, I became interested in ATH A900. So the question I have is: are the A900 really that much better than...
  12. md01

    yet another ety lover

    Yeah, there've been plenty of these type of threads. But I had to say this for myself: these cans (ety-4p/s) are g-r-e-a-t. They are perfect around home and on the go. Mind that I am a total newbie. I don't even have an amp, yet. But I was able to notice the difference in quality of sound within...
  13. md01

    ety-4p or ety4s

    Hi all, I'm new to this board and the audiophile scene. I've been planning to get some good gear for the past year. Now the time is right and I want to start with a mobile set up (ipod) that will be conventional enough to be used at home: computer, h/k avr 520, sony dvp-s570d (these components...