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  1. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    The modified Philips AZ4 is going to stay. This tube is incredibly dynamic and clear and makes in combination with Siemens ECC81 a wonderful threedimensional sound with great separation and lots of details, but still with a touch of warmth and meat on the bones. AZ4 is too tall to fit in the...
  2. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    New in the house: A pair of unknown 12AY7 and a heavy modified Philips Miniwatt AZ4. They all need some burnin and the AZ4 a higher cage.
  3. dynavit

    AKG K-1000 Temple Pads

    Hallo, didn't use any clue. Just cut the right size and pressed the foam in. But double sided tape should work also.
  4. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Hi, I don't do this by my own, because I don't have the skills for it. But the guy where I bought them , did send me some pictures . If you are interested, I could send you his email adress. But don't forget, he lives in Austria/EU. The tubes are great and much cheaper, than the british offer.
  5. dynavit

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    You mean so ething like this: There are more if you google.
  6. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    End of the game? A modified 5AZ4 has arrived and blow up the XDUUO once again. Tonal balance didn't change a lot in comparison to the 5Z4G , it was very neutral already. ( In comparison a Gold Lion GZ34 had too much quantity of bass for me and mids and highs were too veiled. Bass was not so...
  7. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Many thanks for the idea with the ECC81! I did have 5 pairs of them at home, JJ, Jan, PSVane, Siemens and Telefunken 801. I didn't try the first two enjoyed the third and thought the Siemens are end of the game. But today I did put in the 801 and there was still a upgrade in detail, depth...
  8. dynavit

    HiFiMan Susvara

    5k for a DAC? Must be trash. 😉
  9. dynavit

    Comment by 'dynavit' in item 'RAAL 1995 Immanis'

    Why making a headphonestand with sharp edges at the pads?
  10. dynavit

    HiFiMan Susvara

    I don't sweat a lot, but I would never buy headphones with light brown pads. That's like a car with white seats and a wet dog.
  11. dynavit

    Grado Fan Club!

    Yesterday at the headfi-meetingin Vienna oratory was so kind to measure some headphones. So I've got the possibility to compare my very early Grado RS1 (VS) with original pads and nyczaj (shipbos) pads. The differences were bigger than expected. I prefer the comfort and the smoother sound of the...
  12. dynavit

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Thanks for organizing this nice meeting. And special thanks for our "starguest" oratory for bringing his testequipment, sharing his knowledge and testing some of our headphones. See you next time Tom
  13. dynavit

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Because of the bad weather my course is canceld and I will come tomorrow. I am sorry I can't bring the headphones some member have been intersted in ( Stax 4070 and Grado gs3000e) . I will see, what's left here in Vienna. Measuring would be great for sure! Hope to meet a lot of you! Tom
  14. dynavit

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    I am very sorry not being able to come. Have to work even it should rain. I wish you a lot of visitors so that the meeting gets reanimated. Have fun and please take some pictures! Tom
  15. dynavit


    It's really sad, that poeple are connecting outdoor with noise. My environment is soooo calm.
  16. dynavit

    Reply to review by 'dynavit' on item 'final D8000 Pro Edition'

    And this is, how it is made:
  17. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Seems I was too early with my jugdement of the original 12AU7/ ECC82. In combination with the Genalex GZ34 they build a neutral, deep, clear, detailed picture. Maybe not for those, who want a lush, warm, tuby sound, but far from cool and bloodless. Certainly the cheapest upgrade by tube...
  18. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Thanks for the information. Concerning the GZ34 I trusted this guy on YouTube:
  19. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    How about gain with the ECC81? I do have more ECC81 and ECC83 but was scared of damaging the amp . In the moment I am running a Genalex GZ34. Makes a lot of bass, but the mids and highs are too veiled. See if it changes with longer burn in.
  20. dynavit

    Reply to review by 'dynavit' on item 'xDuoo TA-20 Plus'

    Hallo, and thanks for your detailed review. I own a TA20 plus sind e a month. Tube rolling with the ECC82 is simple and effektiv, but how about 12AY7 ? And the rectifier tube? I made good experience with a 5z4 g and expect a GZ34, but how about 5x4 and 5y3, which are offered to me. Even a...
  21. dynavit


    P.S.: The Hifiman gets less rounded and more clearness when played on the Geshelli transistoramp. The distance to the Composer get's closer. Very nice combination Seems he don't like tubes.
  22. dynavit


    Hello, Yesterday we did everything that needed to be done in a marathon and today it rained all day. What could be better than finally comparing headphones with a clear conscience? The question was, how good is the Composer compared to my other models that I can operate here at the farmhouse...
  23. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    I belief it's a Brimar because of the holes in the gatter.
  24. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Yes, no problem. The new one is not much bigger. Let us know your experiences!
  25. dynavit

    Xduoo Amplifiers

    Since 3 weeks a Xduuo TA-20 Plus is in the house to give the Fiio M17 some tuby charakter. First impressions were ok, but the veiled highs were annoying. I missed to much details at the highs. So I changed the original ECC82 to JJ, Genalex or TAD tubes. JJ were better than the orinals, TAD...