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  1. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote: thanks a lot for the instructions for setup   and for this one. i dont think i have any more questions but to get the e9/e7 and start slowly collecting sets and keep learning on how to make music. i feel set and more secure now after this thread. thanks all who posted
  2. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote: thanks a lot.   as for music production i havent yet learn if the option of tube amps for color vs no coloration has any balance in which provide a better benefit maybe in the future i would bring this back to mind unless i learn something about this along the way. although...
  3. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote:   nice!   how easy is it to setup the e9/e7 once out the box. anything i should know about when installing everything together
  4. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote: oh thats cool so i can use the e7 while on a flight or long train ride and it will turn on without being plugged in or batteries?   so this combo of e9 and e7 will work for all the sets i'm interested? and fully have them perform to the fullest?
  5. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

      music : house music/ tech house/minimal and techno (bass but not too much)   its not for listening music, its more for producing music. and yeah maybe i dont need to collect all of them, but maybe 4-5 because i need more than 1 or 2 to determine that the music i produce is doing exactly...
  6. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote:   looks cool, whats the E7 used for?   and i just hook this up to my pc usb and install a software? or no software required?   am i to uninstall all audio drivers and remove sound card hardware before using installing this one ?   my music production software ableton...
  7. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    Quote: i dont own any of those headsets, but i would like to slowly own/collect most of those headsets. i have a lot budget but for now i dont have a set-budget as i'm willing to save $$ for either a sound card or a dedicated desktop amp that would be more than enough to power all of...
  8. cutflow

    cheapest amp that works for all of these sets?

    Quote: is there another solution for one unit that can power all of those sets?   what about a pc sound card?
  9. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    i would like a sound card that would be able to get the full performance of most of those headsets?   or would a separate dedicated desktop amp be the way to go? if so, is there one that will work for most of those sets?
  10. cutflow

    [n00b] computer sound cards just as good as amps?

    is it possible of buying a sound card that can power and fully perform most of the headphones listed below.   $56 - Audio Technica ATHM40FS Precision Studio Headphones $69 - Fostex RP T40RP $80 - Sony MDR7506 Professional Large Diaphragm Headphone $104 - Audio-Technica ATH-M50...
  11. cutflow

    cheapest amp that works for all of these sets?

    i dont see the "Headamp gilmore lite" for sale on the product page unless i missed it ->   ----------edit   also is there any audio/sound cards that are as good to power all of those?   i notice this sound card here has an AMP.   ASUS...
  12. cutflow

    cheapest amp that works for all of these sets?

    newbie here, also new to the forums. i have found a couple headsets that i would be interested in. although it looks like i will need to collect a few in order to find out which one suits me best. The sets listed below are the ones i found on google that are decent for music production. now what...
  13. cutflow

    newb with headphones - help!

    swbf2 thanks a lot for your reply, you haven't told me if you heard or liked the songs or what not so wasnt sure if i would give you anther great cookie if im not aware if you ate the first 3 lol. =P   so to summerizes a few things   the pro djs like the hd25 because of the high dB so...
  14. cutflow

    newb with headphones - help!

      Quote:   yes it did helped, your reply was very newb friendly which i didn't expect. well maybe your right that this headsets sound great cause i havent experienced anything nice to it but im thinking when i buy the hd25's which is what all pro dj use at the club. maybe ill get...
  15. cutflow

    newb with headphones - help!

    well its my budget which would be 50 bucks and under since i dont make much  money. and its simple its like plugging it to comp speakers and being used to produce music. i was expecting you to mention mayb one of those 3 choices and #range i should follow but i guess its more than that    ...
  16. cutflow

    newb with headphones - help!

    you seemed pretty cool. i dont understand any of the threads i read on these forums. and everyone seems aggressive on here.   im trying to find out why my headsets sounds so freaking good even at a low volume i'm able to hear every sound and the bass is like....perfect.   headsets cost...