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  1. Tightwad

    mini3 amp shorted out on case...what needs replaced?

    Got the Rail splitter chip ordered...I will look at isolating the back panel at that spot, not a good design to me, too many chances of shorting out.
  2. Tightwad

    mini3 amp shorted out on case...what needs replaced?

    I will replace that component. The problem was not removing the charging plug, but rather it bent a bit sideways and contacted. I will look at methods to isolate that portion to prevent it from happening again.
  3. Tightwad

    mini3 amp shorted out on case...what needs replaced?

    I built a mini3 headphone amp, the long life version, and the charging cord shorted against the case, and now the amp is very distorted. This creates a few questions... What is likely to be bad, so I can replace it? How can I prevent this from happening? I use it on a motorcycle, so I need...
  4. Tightwad

    mini3 amp shorted on charging cord...what needs replaced

    Quote: Originally Posted by nattonrice This would get a better response in the DIY section but... If you have the long life version then it should be running a LOT longer than that. I think for memory (depending on the load) it should see you past 15 hours or there abouts. Check the...
  5. Tightwad

    mini3 amp shorted on charging cord...what needs replaced

    I built a mini3 headphone amp, the long life version, and the charging cord shorted against the case, and now the amp is very distorted. This creates a few questions... What is likely to be bad, so I can replace it? How can I prevent this from happening? I use it on a motorcycle, so I need...
  6. Tightwad

    Perfect round holes through metal, How?

    I prefer the step drill, but not in a drill press (it chatters too much). Do it by hand slowley. Not sure on big sizes, but i would use the most steps possible, and go slow. To avoid slivers, drill from both sides to cleanup, then run a razor blade over the edges to clean them.
  7. Tightwad

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    My latest cable, in use on my motorcycle:
  8. Tightwad

    Mini3 high performance vs long lasting

    I think I am into both of them about $150(no knob or charger), plus my time of course. I have built both, and they sound good. I plan to keep the extended runtime version as I will be using it while touring on my motorcycle, and want the extra battery time.
  9. Tightwad

    portable amps' usefullness

    I use mine for volume boost more than anything, as my MP3 player can't compete with 75 mph wind noise and earplugs in my helmet. When just listening I don't use it, but I did opt for the mini^3 as I still wanted good was worth the $100 to me.
  10. Tightwad

    pa2v2 or cmoy or mini3

    Hard to go wrong with the Mini^3 for $100 (more for fancy end plates). I built one of each (power and extended runtime) to see which I liked for use on my Motorcycle.
  11. Tightwad

    Finally bought an amp, what else do I need?

    Interconnects take patience to make, and are not terribly expensive, but it would be an investment to make just one. I tried a bunch of different setups, and bought different colors of Star Quad cable. I ended up using an 8" dual 90 degree for my bike: I also made (just for fun): and:
  12. Tightwad

    Mini3 high performance vs long lasting

    I ordered the parts for both, and built the long lasting one first. So far I am impressed. I plan to build the high-power one as well, then probably sell the one I don't like. I bought mine for use on my Motorcycle, as I needed more sound(ear plugs and helmet speakers) I just like to...
  13. Tightwad

    How to make an interconnect Step by Step With Pics

    Wow...I actually read all 58 pages of this, as well as browsed the Cable Gallery. I had a few questions that eventually were answered, like the size difference between Star Quad and Mini Start Quad (6mm and 4.5mm respectively). I learned a TON about building all sorts of cables...which as I only...
  14. Tightwad

    sound activated relay/ vox circuit

    Found this via a search. Would it be possible to use a circuit like this to mix sound from a GPS and an MP3 player, to give priority to the GPS (so when it comes on the MP3 player cuts out)? I would like to use it on a motorcycle, with my current MP3 player and mini^3 amp.
  15. Tightwad

    No sound from left channel on mini3

    Quote: Originally Posted by amb Try reflowing the solder joints on the volume pot and the input/output jacks. Thanks! This fixed the lack of volume on left channel
  16. Tightwad

    No sound from left channel on mini3

    I am having a similar problem. I have the extended runtime version, and I get no sound from the left headphone until the volume is about 1/3-1/2 way up, then it cuts in. It's hard to tell, but I think it is softer all the way up. I measured 10mv on OL, 1.2mv on OR, with normal current. Which...
  17. Tightwad

    Headphone Amp vs Pre Amp (is there a difference)

    I am using a Mini^3 with my Flash based player and helmet mounted speakers. It made it loud enough for me to hear at freeway speeds, where before at 70+ I could barely hear (with earplugs in of course). I built my own, and actually got the parts to build both the extended power version and...