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  1. BavariaBarbarian

    Pickin’ on AC/DC etc.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bonta I have the string quartet tribute to Audioslave and I really enjoyed that one. I never knew strings could be so intense. Huh? Check out these guys! But a string quartet doing Audioslave? Need to check that out!
  2. BavariaBarbarian

    OktoberFest!!! How Does the WORLD Celebrate the OktoberFest? How About You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by lini Away from Munich - it's the only sensible way, unless you're into watching drunk Italians and Australians and usually a bit less drunk Germans, many of the latter dressed up in Bavarian-style clothing despite otherwise not being Bavarian at all. Drunk...
  3. BavariaBarbarian

    Lyrics That Make You Smile

    Quote: Originally Posted by VicAjax Tempus es iocundum, o virgines, modo congaudete, vos iuvenes. Oh, oh, oh, totus floreo, iam amore virginali! totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo. Mea me confortat promissio, mea me deportat Oh, oh, oh totus floreo! iam...
  4. BavariaBarbarian

    A Meeting in Germany???

    Quote: Originally Posted by DanG probably in Bavaria. Good for you! Well, well, people can barely keep their enthusiasm for a german meet under control it seems... Why though? I think it's a great idea, although I surely don't have time or resources to organize one. Are...
  5. BavariaBarbarian

    I broke my Ipod... in an interesting way.

    Hey cabilyo, It's really great to hear from you! Can I take it you're safely back home? To your question, yes there was dc offset and I just passed it through to my Pimeta which has input capacitors for blocking dc. Btw meanwhile I tried your capless solution and enjoy it. Much. I...
  6. BavariaBarbarian

    Ipod HD is failing... repair or upgrade?

    Hmm... For testing purposes I resynched my whole library, not a single glitch so far. Yes, a new device covered by warranty has it's appeal - don't fret, just send it in for repair. But a warranty runs out eventually while I guess that spare parts will only get cheaper...
  7. BavariaBarbarian

    Ipod HD is failing... repair or upgrade?

    Since there are no known viruses for any Ipod OS, I think I'll pass on the freezer option, thanks. Star882, you have a good point there! Due to the symptoms (clicking) I just assumed the problem was the HDD. But I haven't actually isolated the problem. The connections and "cables" are...
  8. BavariaBarbarian

    Ipod HD is failing... repair or upgrade?

    Quote: Originally Posted by enjoi_rootbeer and get it iModded? that's what I'd say. Yes of course, good call! But I considered it early on and for several reasons, the iMod is not for me. As for taking it apart and putting back together - has been done twice already.
  9. BavariaBarbarian

    Ipod HD is failing... repair or upgrade?

    Thanks for the input! I've already researched the HD compatibility, the MK6006GAH will fit all the "thicker" 4G ipods, e.g. greyscale 40GB and Photo 40GB and 60GB. Plus it is actually easier to source than the 40GB models (4004GAH/406GAH). BTW any idea what I should do about posting in the...
  10. BavariaBarbarian

    Ipod HD is failing... repair or upgrade?

    Doh, I posted this in the wrong forum! Should of course be portable audio. - Thanks for moving! The HDD on my trusty old 40GB 4G greyscale Ipod seems to be failing. You know the symptoms, HDD spinning up, then clicking followed by spindown. Repeat ad nauseam. A hard reset has brought the...
  11. BavariaBarbarian

    Etymotic ER-4S Amp Gain Setting?

    I'm happy with a gain of 3, with or without the P-to-S-cable. But I do listen relatively quiet.
  12. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod Ipod owners are you using Rockbox?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Riboge robster, there is an unofficial automatic installer, so trying Rockbox can be pretty easy. You should read thru the wiki manual as well. What he said. Just try it for yourself, it really isn't difficult.
  13. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod Ipod owners are you using Rockbox?

    I've heard so too. I suppose a different decoding algorithm might sound different but I for one can't hear a difference when A/B'ing...
  14. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod: Any Immitators?

    Whew! This thread really exploded since last I visited. I've got to say, that I'm really shocked and sorry to see the ugly turn that the discussion took! Also, as one of the first to call for RMAA testing, I feel partly responsible for it and would like to apologise. This goes especially...
  15. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod: Any Immitators?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab The topic of this thread is about iMod immitators, and I believe we've covered that as far as we know there aren't any. I know of two people on this board who have modded their ipods in a (vaguely) similar fashion. Cabilyo is one of them...
  16. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod: Any Immitators?

    Thanks, I know. I was talking about the crazy things cabilyo does to his Ipods...
  17. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod: Any Immitators?

    Quote: Originally Posted by cabilyo I believe that if RMAA results will be same for standard 4G and the IMOD, it means that no better sound comes from the IMOD. Or that the test method is faulty. But it's more likely that there will be some differences. But cabilyo, why not...
  18. BavariaBarbarian

    Redwine Imod: Any Immitators?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ObiHuang but I gotta say you'd be real fun as a scientist :-P. You really got me laughing out loud there! Now, before everyone goes flying off the handle in this thread, have you all noticed: Obi has not once doubted, that the iMod sounds better...
  19. BavariaBarbarian

    Coupling Caps ,do we realy need it,find the answer here!

    Quote: Originally Posted by cabilyo By the way I saw that WM8973 has dedicated pin Avdd/2 for Headphones return path. Yes! Someone understands me... I think by far the greatest problem with this mod is soldering to the tiny Dac pins. Or is there some larger component from...
  20. BavariaBarbarian

    Coupling Caps ,do we realy need it,find the answer here!

    Wow cabilyo I'm really impressed by your initiative! I don't really have time to read this thread properly, but would like to draw your attention to p. 38 of the wm8971 datasheet. It seems Out3 (Pin 11) has Vref and is designed to sink return currents as HPground in capless mode. Why not use...
  21. BavariaBarbarian

    Wanted: Mint tins for PINT

    Gern geschehen! Hope it works out. About the pint: Yes I'm sure Tangent will workout something. Until then my wallet thanks him...
  22. BavariaBarbarian

    Wanted: Mint tins for PINT

    If you live in germany, go to a müller drugstore. They sell some sort of yucky green-tea drops. Just toss the drops, pull the labels off and you get a nice, plain silver tin. I planned on putting a pint in one of those until it got cancelled...