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  1. battousai

    Upgrading from K550

    Thanks for your input!  From what I've read, the Alpha dogs are slightly more neutral than the MD's; I hope I hear from someone who's heard both   Would you consider the ATH-W1000X to have a V shaped frequency response curve?  I've had the ATH-M50's before but I found it was a little...
  2. battousai

    Upgrading from K550

      What didn't you like about the Mad Dogs?
  3. battousai

    Upgrading from K550

    Hi,   So my wife got a hold of my AKG K550 and now I can't seem to pry them from her.  I'm looking to upgrade, but am unsure where to go from here.   I listen to most everything, with a preference to alternative/acoustic/rock music.  I also have AKG K501s (which I mostly listen to for...
  4. battousai

    Is Anyone Interested in a Meet for New England in Boston early this Fall?

    Other than Audio Lab and the random Audio Lions popping up, I haven't seen many places to demo equipment.
  5. battousai

    Is Anyone Interested in a Meet for New England in Boston early this Fall?

    Well, there is Audio Lab in Cambridge and it's worth a visit if you haven't been.  I too am excited for a new shop opening up though!
  6. battousai

    Is Anyone Interested in a Meet for New England in Boston early this Fall?

      I'd love to hear the Alpha Dogs if you can attend (if there's going to be a meet, after all)
  7. battousai

    Is Anyone Interested in a Meet for New England in Boston early this Fall?

    I would love to join in as well! I'll know for sure once a date and place have been set!  
  8. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    Quote:   Any suggestions on a decent tube amp for not that much money <$300, preferably.   Also if they do well with k501 as well, that'd be great!
  9. battousai

    Mystery Unclosed: Modern Closed Headphones Compared + Sennheiser HD598 UPDATE: PSB M4U2 Added 7/5/13

    Thank you for your input guys!  I'm debating between keeping my K550, the 1R and the Momentum (Although I have fairly big ears so this might be out).   I've read that these cans can benefit from amping; do you guys have any suggestions?   Thanks!
  10. battousai

    AKG K550 Static?

    Does the stethoscope effect happen throughout the length of the cable, or in just one particular spot?  I've had my K550 for a while and haven't encountered it, so it might just be an isolated incident
  11. battousai

    The AKG K550 Impressions and Discussion Thread!

    Anyone find a good pouch/case for this?  Something that isn't really bulky and not too expensive would be awesome!
  12. battousai

    Atari makes headphones?

    there are black ones as well.  Here's a link to the reviews:   From what I've read about them, they're a little bass heavy, and nothing spectacular.  Some people say it's...
  13. battousai

    Sony has new headphones, MDR-1R

    does anyone know if the brown/silver ones are being sold in the US anywhere?  I've checked a few online retailers with no luck.   Thanks
  14. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    bump!   Can anyone else chime in?   Right now I'm looking at:   MDR-1R Shure 840 KRK KNS 8400 Should I wait for the AKG K267?  The bass adjust is definitely interesting
  15. battousai

    AKG K550 Review.

    There's a couple people online that do a detachable cable mod, and from what I've heard/read, they're pretty good at doing it.
  16. battousai

    crave for muddy sound! help!!!

    I'm also new to the scene, but I've been finding out that you like what you like.  Even if 50 people tell you that you should like something else, chances are if you don't like that particular sound, you're not going to suddenly love it.   Just go with what sounds great to you; that's the...
  17. battousai

    Help Choosing Sub $400 Over Ear Headphones From Bestbuy - Sub $250 If Elsewhere

    As everyone's stated already, the K550 probably isn't for you.  I own it and it's very comfortable and has a wide soundstage, but I do find the sound to be a little on the thin side, but that could just be me.  It also doesn't have a huge amount of bass   After reading up on what I could use...
  18. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    Quote:   You are correct, I don't know which other AKG I auditioned then   Quote:   I am considering the MDR-1R, but it's had mixed reviews so I'm waiting for a place to have it to try.   Quote:   Yeah, I have largish ears, so that may be out of the question.  ...
  19. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    Quote:     The funny thing is I really did like the AKG house sound when I auditioned the k240 and the k271 (I liked one more than the other, but I can't remember which one).  The problem was I needed a closed headphone so I went to try the K550 and it wasn't quite what I heard in the...
  20. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    Quote:   Hi,   I auditioned my K550 with an Audioengine D1 at a local store for about 15 minutes and I didn't really notice a dramatic difference.  Should I try a different amp/dac combo?  What would you recommend?
  21. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    Quote:   Thanks for the quick reply!  I've been reading about these two and the DT770 to have more bass than what I want.  The MDR-R1 seems promising though.  Do you have either of these and the K550?  How do they compare?
  22. battousai

    Debating a switch from AKG K550

    hi,   I currently own a pair of AKG K550s.  Well, actually, I just received a new pair from the manufacturer due to a material defect (the headphones were fine).  Before I sent them back, I logged in a fair amount of time with them and I think they're good, but not amazing.  I am on the...
  23. battousai

    Boston meet?

    I'm interested in a meet!  I don't have any gear at the moment, but I'm looking at getting into the hobby.  BU sounds fine!  
  24. battousai

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Thanks for the quick response.  I was just wondering because some people have compared the S500 to full size headphones and am waiting to hear how they compare to the K550.  I do like the K550's sound signature a lot, so knowing that, should I veer towards the S500 with AT...
  25. battousai

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   The first link says M50B2012, so maybe that one?