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  1. R

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    Good to see the first impressions are positive across the board for the Zen Dac V3. I'm loving the design and I'll probably get one to replace my old V1. But I'm going to hold off for a bit waiting for some full reviews to decide if I'm getting one. I want to get it together with the hinted at...
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    Shanling M3X Portable Player - Our smallest Android Player

    Last year I had a chat with some of the the people at Wifimedia as I was interested in one and they told me that it's because the importer only gets limited stock that has to be divided amongst multiple sellers. That in combination with the higher demand for the M3U (and M6U) results in the...
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    HiBy R4

    I love that the R4 isn't your standard black rectangle (with or without rounded edges). I'm not sure what color I like the most, the silver/orange one or silver/green one. I also I feel like Hiby should add a black/green and black/orange version as well. Which in theory shouldn't be difficult as...
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    DUNU - Discussion/Impressions Master Thread

    I've been interested in the Falcon Pro for a while but due to various circumstances I never pulled the trigger on it. I love the blue color of the regular one but this titanium gray has a more dignified look to it which I like as well. I'd be interested to find out if this smooth operator is as...
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    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    It's not a mid centric DAP, it's more of a (warm-ish) neutral analytical sound, with slight emphasis on lows and smooth but extended highs with no loss of details. It's not warm tilted though, it's still within the neutral range, just not on the cold neutral side of it. What people probably...
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    Introducing Shanling M3 Ultra - New Generation of Compact Android Portable Player

    I'll give a little update with what I've found so far but I haven't had many cycles on the device yet. The first charge only lasted about 8 hours but that is due to may factors (like updating the music database on UAPP) as well as the battery needing a few cycles before it gets optimal battery...
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    Introducing Shanling M3 Ultra - New Generation of Compact Android Portable Player

    For any certainty you'll have to wait a bit as my unit arrives today, but with what you're saying, my guess is that there are processes running in the background that causes it to drain faster. This should be fairly easy to check as android tracks the usage, or by using the battery save mode (if...
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    Introducing Shanling M3 Ultra - New Generation of Compact Android Portable Player

    Do you have it in single or dual DAC mode? That and having wifi on even without streaming will drain the battery faster. The claimed performance is usually only attainable on 3.5mm, low gain in single DAC mode, using local files and no wireless connections (wifi & bt). I found no mention...
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    The discovery thread!

    Will do, I'll probably throw in the P5 for comparison as it's also a 4+1 in the same price bracket. Any others in my collection you want to add to the comparison?
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    The discovery thread!

    I'll second the Healer, yes it's on the thicker side but it's such a beautiful, well build cable and it's surprisingly pliable for it's size.
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    The discovery thread!

    I took my TKZK Ouranos to work today on a whim, I hadn't listened to them for over 6 months so I was like "why not". The fit was just as I remembered, the nozzle angle is wrong for me so they don't fit correctly and as usual my right ear fits worse than the left. So it isn't comfortable for...
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    Impressions | aune AR5000 Full-Size Over-Ear Open Headphones with MLD Driver

    I've been looking at getting the AR5000 as I love the design, the reviews so far are good and it looks like there is a good chance that it'll be right up my ally. But I want to get it with the AR3 cable which isn't listed on the EU store atm. When is it expected that the AR3 cable will become...
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    The discovery thread!

    I've been away for a bit and spend some quality time away from Head Fi enjoying my Neon Pro and 109 Pro. I've been tryin to catch back up (I'm skimming through 100+ pages and haven't caught up yet) and something has been standing out to me. From the bits I've been reading I keep finding the same...
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    FiiO M15S Pocket Desktop-Level Player Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Does the icon for the SE connection show up when you insert something? It might be the case that it's not detecting or processing the insertion correctly.
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    AüR Audio's one's don't specifically say as they probably get them direct from the manufacturer, but I know these cables as the NiceHCK Jialai. I've been using them for a while as they are one my favorite cables and they are available in a few colors besides blue. Yes, they are very comfy and...
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    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Good to know that they aren't doing a "We'll fix it in post" style of tuning. I'm fine with DSP being used for minor corrections that can't be done without tradeoffs with conventional tuning methods, but I dislike anything being dependent on DSP to sound good. For the most part, yeah. The way I...
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    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    That actually looks good. Now the question is how much of that is DSP and how much is actual tuning.
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    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    For the love of god Moondrop don't F this one up. If they do it right this is going to be a slam dunk, but looking at the recent IEM releases of Moondrop it could go either way. I've been waiting for a good wired planar/DD hybrid since getting my Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 (TWS planar/DD hybrid) as...
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    Ado's vocal style is awesome, she had me right from her debut single Usseewa. 3rd video for those who don't know. The way she blends different vocal styles into a song can make it sound like there is a group singing but it really is just a single girl with an impressive voice. The variation is...
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    So the Neon Pro has arrived. Not in the initially estimated time but it was still a fast delivery. The import taxes where a lot cheaper than I expected which was nice and unlike some other shipping company, FedEx delivered it the same morning that i payed the taxes. When looking at the original...
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    The discovery thread!

    You're 100% right, I was kind of disappointed as well as I'm a fellow metalhead. But I'll see what I can do, I don't give up that easy. Don't really think I'll ever sell it either as I don't really like to sell any of my stuff. Luckily the Neon Pro is turning out to be a beast for metal so that...
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    The discovery thread!

    The newest additions to my collection are finally here. Both are completely different in signature and welcome additions to my collection. Haven't had much time with either of them yet as the Sands came on Saturday & the Neon Pro came today. Hell, I'm putting the first hour on the Neon Pro as I...
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    4.4mm Balanced cable or 3.5mm to 4.4mm adapter ?

    That I wouldn't do. While yes technically it's possible on most cables, the chances of messing up are high. To me it just not worth it when the alternative is as simple as swapping the cable. When the IEM has a fixed cable you have to way your options as you need to be able to identify the...
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    4.4mm Balanced cable or 3.5mm to 4.4mm adapter ?

    As long as you swap the cable itself, there is no problem. Whether or not it benefits the sonic performance is dependent on the IEM itself. From my experience, single DD and especially planar IEM's benefit from being driven balanced. Hybrids & multi DD can be either better or worse sounding on...
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    My Neon Pro's have just shipped :grin: FedEx claims to be able to get them to me this Friday evening. Intercontinental shipping across half the world in 2,5 days... If they can pull that off I'm ging to be seriously impressed.