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  1. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Nice! I’ve been looking from time to time but haven’t found one yet! I’ve kinda given up on the idea and just rock the RA-1.
  2. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    I used polyurethane on another Grado project and it went on nicely, but this one I will leave as is.
  3. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    From what I have seen, all the schematics show 5.1uF, however, those are a bit bigger than what fits in the cavity, hence having to insert them sideways. The previous owner had installed 2uF, but those were not the stock units and poorly done. I've seen the DIY PH-1...he did a fantastic job of...
  4. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    And the final product!  Looks great and sounds the same as my battery powered RA-1.   Most of the dents on the face came out with a bit of steam.   New screws for the bottom plate.  
  5. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    Once I cleaned everything up, it was time to put it all back together.  I installed new Solen 5.1uF caps and all new wiring.  The caps required me to install the circuit board sideways due to their size...which leads me to believe the original caps might not be 5.1uF but maybe 3.9uF.    ...
  6. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    That's exactly what I did to the wood...I used a damp paper towel and an iron to get the dents out.       I did end up buying new input caps and reused the rest.  I touched up some of the solder joints and then cleaned it all up with alcohol before sealing it all in.
  7. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    First, was to remove the circuit and clean it up.                          
  8. ECM

    Grado RA-1, Audiogon repair

    I picked up an AC powered RA-1 on Audiogon which was rated a 9/10.  The pictures looked ok and there was no mention that the unit had been altered.  I received the amp and it wasn't packed properly so the AC adapter prongs left some gouges on the face of the amp.  Upon inspecting the amp, I...
  9. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    We've been down this road before derbigpr.  Some people claim it's a massive rip off due to only having a few dollars worth of parts, plus the wooden case.  Others feel it offers good synergy between Grado products and is worth it's asking price.  It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.  ...
  10. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

      Good work dude.  Looks good.  I too have toyed with the idea of installing an ALPS pot, but the shaft is too long, even when trimmed down.  You'd have to carve out a spot and I'm unwilling to do that as well.   Is the cable taken from a stock pair of headphones?
  11. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

      Do you have any "after" pictures with the new internal wiring?  Where did you pick up the wire? I have a couple RA1's.  A battery powered one and an AC powered one.  They are both quiet with my GS1000 or SR-125.
  12. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

      Speedking, the 464k/121k resistors are what set the gain.   The formula is: gain = 1 + (R2/R1)   For an RA1 it is: gain = 1 + (464K/121k) gain = 1 + 3.8 gain = 4.8
  13. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Not sure what the gain is on an RA1HG, but I'm pretty sure the gain on a regular RA-1 is 4.8, not 1.     I had three RA-1's at one point and opened one of them up.  It had 464k/121k feedback resistors, gain 4.8.   Either way, is the metal plate removable on the HPA circuit board? 
  14. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    What's the gain on the HPA-2?  The Grado RA-1 has a gain of around 5.   How will you modify the amp if it has the metal cover on the circuit board?  Is it removable?
  15. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    It's possible to change the connector on the power supply to fit the HPA.  Which RA-1 power supply do you have?  They made two different models, one used a wall wart and the newer version used a switched mode power supply and looked like a brick.     I'd look for the switched mode power supply...
  16. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Nice grab speedking!  devouringone3, let's make something happen on that amp dude!
  17. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Outstanding Speedking!   I still have the parts laying around for my clone...never did get around to putting it together.   devouringone3, Please keep me in mind should you decide to sell your amplifier.
  18. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    I believe the switch is a three way that charges the batteries when in standby.
  19. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Were you able to figure out the type and value of the large capacitors?
  20. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    I haven't had a chance to look into this any further.   I've ordered most of the parts, just need to get it assembled.  And even then, I'm not so sure how it will sound compared to the original.
  21. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    No idea what the cap values are on the output jack, but I would venture to say either 10nF or 2.83nF because that's what the PH-1 uses and if it were me building these, I would use what I had on hand.  It's just a hunch as I haven't done any math to determine frequency response of a 32ohm load...
  22. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    I see...but those caps look identical.     Also, I wonder if there's the standard 0.1uF bypass cap on the power supply pins of the opamp along with the 330uF caps.   I'll look into the amp a bit more the next couple days; see what I can come up with.  And I'll start laying out the board as...
  23. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Actually, a quick eBay search reveals black beauty pots available from $55 to $130!  I'll build mine with a blue pot and go from there.
  24. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Nothing wrong with point to point wiring if implemented correctly.  Soldering the output directly on the pin avoids any traces and secondary solder points.   Would you have a picture of the top side?  I wonder where the 330uf caps are installed?   It seems to me that the two pair of...
  25. ECM

    Grado HPA-1 & GS1000i

    Thanks for the pic of the circuit board.  I was expecting a PCB actually!   From what I have read, the RA-1 circuit is identical, but like everyone has mentioned, built with better components.  The wiring is the quad wiring used by Grado in their RCA cables.   I ordered some precision...