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  1. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    First class work. Simple but effective.
  2. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Very nice indeed!
  3. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps This and the next post.
  4. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    My aesthetics are a bit eccentric, I'd say the tophat needs a nice bowtie to finish the look!
  5. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Yes they have decent curves, they'll probably do pretty well. Sims (with all the caveats that sims have) seem to indicate EL12 is almost as good as EL81 and EL36 in this circuit. In real life it could be indistinguishable, or then again not. I would not recommend doing a 'workhorse' amp with...
  6. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    In a few years you can get a next gen 3D printer and just print your chassis. You could print a plastic logo even now and screw it on top of chassis.
  7. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Sonic your drill has a display. You're not at the CNC level yet, but you're definitely pretty close. My drill has a handle and a cord. No display! Decent curves, to my eyes very pretty envelopes. Availability is a bit concerning though. EL11 has a µ of about 20, hopefully that's enough...
  8. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Visit Sweden, kill two ducks with one precision blow. Save on shipping. Nordics are at their best during the summer.
  9. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    I take it these numbers are from measurements from Sonic? He did scale up the design somewhat, so those sound about right. My personal workhorse puts out about 1W and it's more than I'll ever need with speakers. Ears will give out before the amp starts clipping. Since it was asked, I will super...
  10. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    There is a certain logic in this statement, it's true. But let me propose something else to consider: why not stop the search for the signature YOU want, and instead opt for maximum transparency and then enjoy the sonic signatures the ARTISTS wanted you to hear? Transparency, i.e. allowing the...
  11. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    This thread is about Sonic's products and not general theory, but some of this might be very interesting to his customers and potential customers. If somebody is interested you can start a new thread (please link it to me in a private message) or just ask me in a private message. I'm happy to...
  12. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Before I give my comments I'd like to take an opportunity to thank everybody who has made reviews or even just some comments on their listening experiences, it is very interesting for me to read personally, and everybody has been very good with their words and descriptions. So thank you for...
  13. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    The load in question is an active load, it not just resistive. So it can actively keep delivering current (the 18mA) even as Va approaches B+. So it is drawn just as I did. That is also how it behaves in reality. A passive component, be it a real resistor or a coil that is assumed /...
  14. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Try watching a well mixed horror movie with Sonic's amp and headphones. It's a unique experience.
  15. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Well the EL36 and eq don't really have room for positive grid operations, maybe a volt or two, but grid current is a real thing in low negative grid region already, as well as thruout the whole range to some extent. The control grid is located very close to the cathode in comparison to the...
  16. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    More voltage swing makes the sound livelier in the sense that it makes it louder, and louder sound is more engaging. What I was after when writing that was simply lower distortion. Distortion masks details in the reproduced sound; lack of this masking makes the sound livelier. Simply saying...
  17. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    6L6 and eqs were mentioned in this thread. So let us look at how the 6L6 would do in triode mode and utilizing the best possible load line: So op point is about 160V / 15mA, (the 3mA difference is not important, the curves don't change that fast while going a little up or down in current)...
  18. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    So now that the basics of tube load lines and operations are clear, let's directly compare two types; the 6V6 and EL36. Both are beam tetrodes, but we used them in triode mode. So here are the curves, first the 6V6: then the EL36: Now different ways of drawing and presenting the curves...
  19. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    There's been some talk here about tube choice for these UltraSonic amps. This thread isn't about tube theory, but I think it might be interesting for people interested in these amps to talk a little bit about how and why tubes are chosen for a specific job. Now me personally I've tried out a...
  20. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    For the price of that one tube, add a couple euros and you get four here:
  21. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Bigger and prettier bottle. No real reason. I've got a quad. I look at them sometimes and think I need to build a HUGE SE amp with these. They're very pretty.
  22. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    For bigger output power I would recommend 6P36S.
  23. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    May I ask why would you need 8 W RMS?
  24. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    Well Sonic is gonna need himself these:
  25. MrCurwen

    UltraSonic Studios Amps

    TV tubes as a class are going up in prices, and fast. Just look at the "first discovered" american compactrons. They're well over 40 USD a piece now. I was lurking the legendary sweep tube thread on another forum from the beginning, they used to be almost given away for free back then. Things...