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    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      First class work. Simple but effective.
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      Very nice indeed!
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps. This and the next post.
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      My aesthetics are a bit eccentric, I'd say the tophat needs a nice bowtie to finish the look!
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      Yes they have decent curves, they'll probably do pretty well. Sims (with all the caveats that sims have) seem to indicate EL12 is almost...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      In a few years you can get a next gen 3D printer and just print your chassis. You could print a plastic logo even now and screw it on...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      Sonic your drill has a display. You're not at the CNC level yet, but you're definitely pretty close. My drill has a handle and a cord...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      Visit Sweden, kill two ducks with one precision blow. Save on shipping. Nordics are at their best during the summer.
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      I take it these numbers are from measurements from Sonic? He did scale up the design somewhat, so those sound about right. My personal...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      There is a certain logic in this statement, it's true. But let me propose something else to consider: why not stop the search for the...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      This thread is about Sonic's products and not general theory, but some of this might be very interesting to his customers and potential...
    • MrCurwen
      MrCurwen replied to the thread UltraSonic Studios Amps.
      Before I give my comments I'd like to take an opportunity to thank everybody who has made reviews or even just some comments on their...
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