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  1. holsen

    Shanling H7 - High-End Portable DAC/AMP/Player, Featuring new AKM AK4499EX Flagship DAC

    I've been wrestling back and forth between a DC Elite and the H7 - and have pretty much decided to go H7. Quick question @Shanling or anyone else here. The H7 takes 18650 batteries; is there a capacitly limit? When it's time to replace, could they be replaced with 2 X 3500 mAh? Thanks
  2. holsen

    Comment by 'holsen' on listing 'Lotoo PAW 6000 Excellent Condition'

    It's an outstanding Player that should never become obsolete. Battery is readily available and easily replaceable (by design) when it needs it. My LP6K is going on 4.5 years and battery is still outstanding. Someone will be fortunate to score this!
  3. holsen

    Comment by 'holsen' on listing '.'

    $800 is a stunning deal on these. Grab 'em someone. They've become my inflight and travelling favs. The isolation, fit, comfort and sound (bass & mids in particular) are astounding.
  4. holsen

    Comment by 'holsen' on listing 'Unique Melody MEXT (Newly Serviced and Cleaned by Unique Melody) price includes shipping'

    I dont know. I'm so sorry, I mean this very sincerely. I didnt mean to drop that comment into your classified post..... I thought I was posting into the MEXT thread. If I could delete that post I would! Buddy I apologise.
  5. holsen

    Comment by 'holsen' on listing 'Unique Melody MEXT (Newly Serviced and Cleaned by Unique Melody) price includes shipping'

    WOW. Just got the MusicTeck Newsletter and they are offering a NEW MEXT for $549 with code 4W0VTMCN3H5G I loved (still love) the MEXT and and have been responsible for many units being sold. It really is an outstanding IEM and this new price is less than what I sold my previous unit for. You...
  6. holsen

    Comment by 'holsen' on listing 'Lotoo'

    It's an outstanding DAP. Easily replaceable battery and will not become obsolete or degraded anytime soon. GLWS
  7. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Got to agree with you. The velvets have unseated all my previous favourites.... Sedna, Crystal, and others. I'm using them on both pilgrims and my Metors they give the best seal, pull out the bass, let those Elysian mids flow through and leave a nice open stage. I just convinced myself to...
  8. holsen

    Reply to review by 'holsen' on item 'Penon Voltage'

    Great reveiw! I felt the the genuine enthusiasm from the first sentence - Just awesome!
  9. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Hey. Would you like to trade your 4.4 Pilgrim Cable for my 3.5?
  10. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    HA! Yes it never ends. Upgradeitis is a real affliction. If I hadn't heard the Noir I think I'd be happy with the OG - but - as my OG came with a 3.5 I would definitely upgrade the cable - it is worthy of a cable upgrade. And if one were to pick up the Noir, there's a refined Pilgrim with...
  11. holsen

    Effect Audio cables thread

    Cross Post from Pilgrim Thread: Alright, I've got about 100 Hours on the OG Pilgrim and approx 40 on the Noir - I havent had a chance to do any critical listening or comparisons with the workload on my table BUT I can clearly say that with these hours, both of these units have settled down. I...
  12. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Alright, I've got about 100 Hours on the OG Pilgrim and approx 40 on the Noir - I havent had a chance to do any critical listening or comparisons with the workload on my table BUT I can clearly say that with these hours, both of these units have settled down. I reported earlier that they work...
  13. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    Thats the No. 1 thing I noticed today when I took the time to do some critical listening. With wide bore tips both the OG and Noir were too hot in the treble for me. Going down to a Medium Bore tip (SpinFit100 and Stock IMR tips) or even small bore tip (Final E) took the sizzle right off...
  14. holsen

    Effect Audio cables thread

    There's qute a buzz beginning to stir over the new Elysian Pilgrim and the Elysian / EA CoLab - Pilgrim Noir. I've got em both and rather than cross post I link over to the posts of my initial impressions over on the Pilgrim thread for anyone who's interested. The Noirs literally just showed up...
  15. holsen

    Effect Audio cables thread

    I've got the Cadmus 8W and absolutely LOVE that cable and I've 8 Different Planar set - while I havent heard the Supermoon, knowing what I know about planars and the Cadmus 8 - you're in for a treat. You should get the best of the low end out of the planar and some sweet extention to the...
  16. holsen

    The discovery thread!

    There's qute a buzz beginning to stir over the new Elysian Pilgrim and the Elysian EA CoLab - Pilgrim Noir. I've got em both and rather than cross post I link over to the posts of my initial impressions over on the Pilgrim thread for anyone who's interested. The noirs literally just showed up...
  17. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    And voila, just like that - Noirs are in the house! I'm going to let them settle in by letting them run overnight - before I try to make any comparative notes but off the bat they too look stunning and the EA Eros S cable makes a difference 1) its a 4.4 Balanced Connection vs the 3.5 that came...
  18. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    I've got to say, I'm really enjoying these little Piglims! I've got about 50 hours on them and they sound beautiful. They do like power. It's the only IEM I'm running on High Gain both desktop and portable to give them extra juice to extract all the goodness from them. They will play nice on...
  19. holsen

    Campfire Audio Chromatic Series

    Thanks for that ... As I suspected .... I've been in correspondence with Chris and they are going in for a check up tomorrow!
  20. holsen

    Campfire Audio Chromatic Series

    I had a pretty good honeymoon with Bonnevilles. They have the absolutely best fit of any - and I mean any other unversal I've had my ears. This gives it supreme comfort (for me) and of course an outstanding seal. The bass is bombastic but somehow not overdone with no bleed to the mids which...
  21. holsen

    Technics EAH-AZ80 True Wireless Earbuds

    I swapped out to Azla Sednas Regular. Extremely comfortable, good seal, sound great. With the Azlas I don't even ever use ANC whether out walking are riding my bike.
  22. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    I don't think so, HiFiGo was the shipper.... Maybe someone else is looking for a set???
  23. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    And that speaks volumes, of course, about Elysians flagship offerings. I'm just going to enjoys the pilgrims for the next couple of days and let em burn when I'm not listening to them. Then I'll pit them against the Bonnevilles (DD + 3 BA) and Xelento (DD). Really, I dont know how I got so...
  24. holsen

    Elysian Pilgrim

    I should have the Noires on Thursday or Friday.