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  1. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius review / impressions

    Is it just me or is the stock cable too stiff, resulting in noise making its way into the headphone? Try tapping it on a surface. Wonder if there are any replacements that reduce this issue....
  2. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius review / impressions

    Tried them a bit more while I could, working on creating voice recordings. 50% Windows microphone, 100% audeze microphone works best. Tried recording via aux into my note 4 and had better results. Volume across the board is better with less dropouts. Plosives are moderate to severe (PC and...
  3. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius review / impressions

    ...microphone is the worst I've used by a long shot and can't be working as intended. Contacting Audeze in the near future when I get the chance. S**t happens, but I'm hoping this doesn't turn into some sort of microphone-gate. If you haven't tested your microphone via making voice files in...
  4. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    ...microphone is the worst I've used by a long shot and can't be working as intended. Contacting Audeze in the near future when I get the chance. S**t happens, but I'm hoping this doesn't turn into some sort of microphone-gate. If you haven't tested your microphone via making voice files in...
  5. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Canada. DHL should be delivering today. #11xx
  6. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Cleared Canadian Customs- paid duties. Should be here middle of this week.
  7. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Canada. Nothing yet.
  8. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    #12xx New Brunswick. No email yet....hoping for early next week with end of week 1 September delivery. :)
  9. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Most of those headphones don't have any noise though. LSR305's do exhibit very little hiss, but it never bothered me. Fan noise from the PC tower negates it.
  10. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    I'm expecting around 3-5 more weeks before I see mine (11xx) in Canada. What matters to me is quality control and packaging, not delivery time. I'm surprised that they were able to adhere to their indiegogo schedule without experiencing huge delays so far. If we get a rushed product, it isn't...
  11. LEntless

    Audeze Mobius Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    If anyone is not getting their email, check all email folders...should be there.
  12. LEntless

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Got a chance for a quick reply. Any of the three headphones mentioned require a decent amp/dac. DT1990 with A pads is a good choice, if you can get them less than $400 USD. Otherwise, the HD600. I personally use the 650 for listening, 600 for mixing. 1990 was never comfortable, so I had to...
  13. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?

    On the grain topic.. Yes, both 600 and 650 have grain (mids and treble). Not excessive. In a way, it helps make the sound less artificial to my ears. DT880/990/1990 and HD800 have less grain. From what I hear, the 660 sounds like a great headphone for me, but I don't want to pay >$500 CAD for...
  14. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?

    Have a second to post....might not be too coherent.... The 1990 is a great headphone overall. Not keeping them any longer though. The ~8k treble peak is mildly fatiguing, but not as much as the 880/990 was. This, combined with the circular pads create hotspots on my ears. Comfort is a 6.5/10...
  15. LEntless

    Audeze LCD-2C Classic - Impressions Thread

    Weird, same opinion here too.
  16. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Both are great. I'd almost go so far to recommend having both if you can do it financially. If I could pick only one, it'd be the 650.
  17. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    The 600's soundstage is a tad smaller, if it is at all. However, the accuracy within the soundstage is better on the HD600's.
  18. LEntless

    FiiO E10K vs SMSL SD-793II

    If it means anything, zeospantera said on reddit and youtube comments that the SMSL is better. Not many people had both to try out, so I'd take his word. I own it. It's transparent enough on the cheap.    For the price, it's great.
  19. LEntless

    How to use ASIO/ASIO4ALL with multiple programs at once?

    Couldn't get Jammit to work with it.
  20. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

    Second this. Bought my HD800's for $695. The unit is roughly 8 months old.
  21. LEntless

    How to use ASIO/ASIO4ALL with multiple programs at once?

    Hi. Not sure if this is the correct place, but here goes...   My setup:   -Midi Controller to PC via USB.  -SMSL SD793ii external headphone DAC/AMP- fed to HD800's. -Old M-Audio Fast Track USB (headphone output jack failure, therefore removed from my chain)   I'm trying to get multiple...
  22. LEntless

    [Review] Philips SHL3300 "DJ" Headphones - Most Underrated Headphone?

    IIRC, these.   Friend of mine had them on his. They sound better overall than the velours, which I bought and sold for someone else to put on their x2's (which...
  23. LEntless

    [Review] Philips SHL3300 "DJ" Headphones - Most Underrated Headphone?

    To chip in. They are a great sub $100 closed headphone, when paired with HM5 leather pads. I tried velour HM5's and they aren't as good overall. Too much upper mids/treble (to the point of being sibilant).   Leathers turn the headphone into a monster for the <$125 market. 
  24. LEntless

    Sennheiser HD800S Unveiled!

    Probably a few hundred bucks.    I just bought a used HD800 for $1k CAD. They can be found pretty cheap on the used market. Now the wait..
  25. LEntless

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Even though I like the X2 more, the HD600 is like a childhood toy. You just can't let it go. It has an older charm about it, that can't be found today.   Basically, the HD600 sounds like it's from the late 90's. That's not a bad thing.