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  • Users: plainsong
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  1. plainsong

    Poll: What's your pad of choice with a stock Grado or Alessandro?

    While I wait for my incoming ms-1i, back in the day, headfiers were pretty happy with the TTVJ flats. There were lots of Grado mods, but those were very popular more or less across the board for stock Grado/Alessandros. Times have changed though, maybe having something to do with the i updates...
  2. plainsong

    The new kid on the block: The AKG K420

    Long time, no post... but there hasn’t been much for me to talk about headphone-wise. I’ve been happy with my main rig for the past couple of years, and happy with the occasional pair that I bought every now and then. Everyone knows (or should) about the Beyer Dt250s and Yuin PK1, the...
  3. plainsong

    Bonehead question of the day: iPod Touch Headphone adapter choices?

    Thanks to the lovely search function, I can't find something that I know has a lot said about it. The local Apple stores (including the official one) don't carry adapters, but I figure there must be some good ones out there. It's such a simple question, but since it requires more than one...
  4. plainsong

    My first tattoo: Before/After

    Well I think if it's not done, it's doing a pretty good impression of done. The worst part was the itching, because I like to pick at and scratch things, but once that was done, and once I stopped drowning it in Helosan, it was smooth sailing. I had to leave the flash on though, you can't see...
  5. plainsong

    Our new car has finally arrived! Lots of Volvo C-30 pics inside. (56k probably not)

    I was going to write a long-winded post, but why not let the pictures speak for themselves? It wouldn't be a car for everyone's taste, but it has many attitudes. Cute little city car, happy little hatchback, or a Volvo that needs an attitude adjustment (if you look at it from the grill). It's...
  6. plainsong

    Plainsong's Eurovision Traffic Report

    For those of you who don't know what Eurovision is - it's the campiest way to show nationalistic feeling through bad songwriting. Basically, all the countries in Europe show up with their elected group and their cheesy song, you vote for your favorite (you can't vote for your own country), and...
  7. plainsong

    Help! What do you do when your product is at Amazon & it isn't being sold by you??

    ...for piracy issues, and no phone number for those outside the US. How do I prove we are the rightful copyright holders, and how can we go after the ****** profitting off our skins? The best I could do was leave two discussion topics with the product informing people that we don't have...
  8. plainsong

    So I got a Total Bithead (again)

    I had the first generation tbh and loved it. It was the party animal to the porta corda's refinded culture. It was a quick and easy way to make audio through a laptop fun. I only parted with it because I needed to raise funds fast for my then new home source. Otherwise I would have kept it...
  9. plainsong

    Help me find my husband a (square) watch

    The other night I was searching, and finally found, a chrono that I liked and would suit my wrist in the form of a Tissot prc100. But I balked at the price, considering it was a quartz. Nothing against quartz, but I have some cool quartzes already... and so what turned into a hunt for a nice...
  10. plainsong

    We MIGHT get to rescue a dachshund and bring a new member to the family

    I'm really excited about this, but as my own family (other than my husband of course!) is less than enthused, I have to talk excitedly about it somewhere. It all started when I was searching long hair dachshund breeders to see who was breeding anytime soon. Our dog Pixie's breeder, who has...
  11. plainsong

    Body modification fans: Opinions on tattoo placement?

    For several years I've wanted to get something done, but was too chicken basically. Numerous custom designs made and then trashed, until out of the blue, my husband suggested both of us getting a little something-something for ourselves. He's the graphics guy so I handed over the design task to...
  12. plainsong

    So I bought a new car today. Was looking at a Jazz or a Yaris and got this:

    The only difference is that we got 1.6L version. We were skeptical that it would be big enough for the car, but turns out it's plenty zippy for us. This is our first real decent car..... well, it's our first car, really. But we figured the stretch in the budget was very very well worth it. They...
  13. plainsong

    Help-a-newb 101: Help me find a DAC for my Macbook

    So I have this shiny new Macbook here, with its digital out, so I assume that means I'm no longer harnassed to usb dac options. Now before I just get the Headroom Micro and be done with it, I want to see what's out there in the land of budget-bang-for-buck portable dacs. The Macbook isn't my...
  14. plainsong

    Pic request: Waterfield small ipod pouch filled to the brim

    I'm looking at possibly getting the Waterfield Small ipod gear pouch for my 30g 5g ipod, ALO cryo dock, and Hornet. My concern is how that's going to work with the cryo dock plugged into the ipod's dock and the Hornet's line in. Is there enough room for the cabling there? The only way I'm...
  15. plainsong

    Useless headphone purchase No. 301: Beyerdynamic djx-1

    Have you ever had an itch to buy some headphones that you don't really need, so you set a list of unobtainable criteria like, must be closed, must not have honky mids, must be easily drivable by an ipod sans amp, must have a cable that's not 5 miles long, must be circumaural? Must not be a Sony...
  16. plainsong

    'Til we meet again: Last listen to the HD650 (brief impression v. new dt990)

    I so didn't want to sell these, but some of my college books are costing more than they should, and the Senns were the odd man out, sadly. Before packing everything up, I took a final listen to what was in the C542 at the time, the Star Trek: The Motion Sickness OST (awesome score though)...
  17. plainsong

    Reel-to-reel tape decks - suggestions anyone?

    Hey everyone, it's vacation-plainsong here, back home in SC and asking a question for my grandpa. He's a bit of a closet-audiophile and gearphile... the one that I got the sr60's for, for Christmas, and the one who'd like to build an amp for it this Christmas. I was over at his place fixing...
  18. plainsong

    A tale of 3 portable amps: The ae-1, portaphile, and portacorda II review

    Hi folks, here's a review I posted on "another network" a while ago, and I've noticed lots of questions about these amps within the last few months here, so I thought I'd post it here as well. This is a gianormous review, so I'll be posting it in parts. Pictures will come at the end. How I...
  19. plainsong

    King Kong: How they capture sound in movies

    For those of you that don't know, Peter Jackson (LOTR) is now re-making King Kong. The folks at have setup a fan site at Kong is King - where PJ has been posting production diaries for every few days of the 116 or so days of filming so far. The lastest production diary quicktime...
  20. plainsong Do they respond to email?

    I'm waiting for a response from hifi so I can order the ms-2, but it seems to be taking a while. Based on the experience of members here who have ordered from them in the past, am I better off sticking with Alessandro ? I just want to order the things already, and I want to know if they are...
  21. plainsong

    Emergency Helsinki head-fi meet, 11-19-2004: Meet Impressions

    Hey, how did I suddenly get suckered into hosting a head-fi meet again?? This one happened so quickly, that we didn't have time to post a thread or anything. It started like this: luukas missed the last head-fi meet, and wanted to ...well, what did he want? I forget, but I think it had...
  22. plainsong

    Some brief impressions of the Corda HA-2

    I've had the HA-2 for a couple of weeks, but have been so busy, that it's not even fully burned-in yet! The short answer is this little guy is worth its money, and if you are a contributing member and are able to take advantage of the pricing in the Mall-fi section of Head-fi, then be...
  23. plainsong

    I just placed an order for the Corda HA-2

    And here's the best bit - for 3 and 4 headphone contributing members, it's €480 shipped inside the EC. I'm not sure yet what the price is outside the EC. Jan told me this would be an upcoming deal this month, and I've been having to keep this a secret for the past month, but he officially...
  24. plainsong

    Meier RCA Interconnects: A brief first impression

    I really need to do this in a hurry because it's time to take the dog outside, but I had to come here quickly and say what I think of these Meier RCA interconnects. I started out with some Tara Labs 1100i IC's from the place where I got my Nad. He gave me a huge discount on them because I...
  25. plainsong

    The Obligitory "I got a Custom Title" Thread

    I feel so loved. Well let's see, I didn't have anything prepared, but.. I'd like to thank the members of Head-fi, my mom and dad for taking me to Circuit City and buying me new headphones every few months just to shut me up when I was kid, I'd like to thank my husband for getting me involved in...