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  1. rwelles

    New Amp from HeadAmp - GS-X Mini

    What was your issue? What did Tim have to say? Is it possible to still contact your seller?
  2. rwelles

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I'm starting to believe that the only thing head-fiers like more than listening to music is speculating about gear they haven't heard. (aimed at no one in particular)
  3. rwelles

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    Looks like the DS got the absolute sound's seal of approval.
  4. rwelles


    I went ahead and pulled the trigger when I saw that audio46 offered me no restocking fee. I should get them early next week. Worse case, it'll only cost me the return shipping. Who knows--maybe I'll keep them.
  5. rwelles

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    I suggest you leave the Mojo2 charging by itself for 24 hours with a charger that outputs at least 2.1 amps before you throw in the towel.
  6. rwelles

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    If you can stretch a bit, the RAGNAROK 2 at $1K USD is an amazing deal. If your budget is really tight, I think the Jot2 with the multibit module would be a nice starting point. That's $600, even less than going with the Modius.
  7. rwelles

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    Not necessarily. I have an Asus mesh system and it works great!!
  8. rwelles

    Cayin N3Ultra: an Entry-level Portable DAP that Delivers a Complete Vacuum Tube Audio Experience

    Still loving my N3U!! The leather case not so much. I've decided to simply use the stock case--it suits my needs much better. So I have a blue leather case I'm no longer using. There is some adhesive residue on the back from the belt clip I put on it. I'm offering it for free (incl. shipping!)...
  9. rwelles

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    Still loving mine!! Use it almost daily for streaming Roon around the house.
  10. rwelles


    According the specs, they both weigh the same. It's still tempting. I've had a soft spot in my heart for AKG, purchased the k240 II in the late 80s. The Composer is certainly more efficient, by 7 dB. Anyone else care to chime in???
  11. rwelles

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    A lot of how to connect is dependant on what software you are using. To ensure that your Mac "sees" the Mojo2, go to Finder. Select from the Menu Bar, select Go>Utilities. In Utilities, select Audio MIDI Setup. The Mojo2 should show up on the list on the left side. If it's not there, try a...
  12. rwelles


    The Composer has been on my radar for a while. Lots of great reviews from sources I trust. My primary use case will be with Poly/Mojo2 or Cayin N3U, occasionally with my desktop rig. I already have the Empy2. The FR graphs seem to be very close, but of course that's only a fraction of the...
  13. rwelles

    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    I had a Zen Stream driving my HMS/TT2. I found a significant improvement when I replaced it with 2Go/2Yu. I have an Holo Red coming in next month to check out.
  14. rwelles

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    How many will you be producing in your 1st run?
  15. rwelles

    Cayin N3Ultra: an Entry-level Portable DAP that Delivers a Complete Vacuum Tube Audio Experience

    These days, a thunderbolt cable is basically an over-engineered USB-C cable. As such, it is an extremely reliable. If the OP has one, I suggest they try it.
  16. rwelles

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    it works GREAT with Roon!! That's my main use. While it's possible in theory to steam high res via Roon ARC via 5G, I wouldn't count on it.
  17. rwelles

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Unlikely. It's probably that your laptop isn't putting out enough power. Have you tried a dedicated charger?
  18. rwelles

    HiFiMan Susvara

    If a piece helps to highlight the strengths of the Susvara, it should be shared!!
  19. rwelles

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    I REALLY like the idea of purple. Will it be available at release?? Can you post a color-corrected image? Also, will you still offer the plexy bottom to pre-orders? And Also, what will the stock feet look like???
  20. rwelles

    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    I'll give it a go since you haven't gotten other responses. I have both the TT2/MS and Mojo2. Certainly, the Mojo2 is a couple of tiers down, imo. That said, the Mojo2 does have the family resemblance. I use both with Roon (Poly/Mojo2). It's a wonderful substitute for when I'm moving around the...
  21. rwelles


    Love my Empy 2, but the Alcantara ones get itchy after a while. I see there are two options: Leather and Hybrid. Has anyone tried them both?
  22. rwelles

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    I'd prefer the top black version, though scaled back hash marks would be nice.
  23. rwelles

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    No problem. Living on the Oregon coast, I'm used to LOTS of rain!! I already have the TT2/M scaler that I feed to my GS-X mini, then my Susvara. It seems to suit my tastes. What can I say, I'm a detail freak.