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  1. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I love Chronologie, Pt. 4. Instantly the first time I heard it. I think that is my favourite piece of Jarre music ever. Magnetic Fields, Pt. 4 is also on my fav list, it brings back many fond Commodore 64 memories as it (or rather, a cover of it) was used as the tape loading theme for the game...
  2. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    The Gadget could probably fix that and bend it back to an A! 🤪
  3. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    This is Arthur. He loves to take his naps where he doesn’t quite fit 😹
  4. tafens

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Absolutely. An FPGA multibit version could be coming later on though, and I believe would be very likely. But when, that is another question completely..
  5. tafens

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    I think they would actually. As a long time reader of this thread, I’ve read most or even all chapters of Schiit Happened and although it was a long time since I read some of them, and I can’t find the places I sort of refer to and post links to back up my conclusions, I understand the Schiit...
  6. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I really like this movie as well and the theme song by John Barry is great too. Also loving the theme song for A View to a Kill by Duran Duran. Although I don’t enjoy Roger Moore as Bond as much, Christopher Walken really nails it as the bad guy in that one! Now I really have to go listen to...
  7. tafens

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Some amps short the inputs when they’re off (I don’t know why). If you completely disconnect it you would probably get sound back to the Midgard. In that case, a switchbox would be the way to go to.
  8. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    It sure would get that pesky dust off those records though, for certain 😳😬🤣
  9. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    It’s nice to see that there does exist tubes for sale that still are in a somewhat affordable range :smiley: Speaking of tubes, now waiting on delivery for a nice pair of 6P5GT I just ordered for use in my Lyr3 by way of a 6J5-to-6SN7 adapter. Too late I realised that they probably are going...
  10. tafens

    Schiit Audio Bifrost 2

    I have a similar experience with BF2 OG to Gungnir. Using Lyr3/HD6XX, the improvement the Gungnir provided was obvious to my ears, not requiring any extensive listening but readily apparent on first listen. In my experience, moving up to bigger Schiit gives clear improvements, while same size...
  11. tafens

    The Reference 6J5 Thread (L63, 6C5, 12J5, 6P5, etc.)

    Took a chance on a pair of 6P5GT on eBay that are in their way to me, planning to use them in a Lyr3 with a 2x6J5 to 6SN7 adapter: The base is marked with two codes, 337 and 3R17. The 337 is the Westinghouse factory code as I understand it, but I can’t find any information about the other code...
  12. tafens

    Lyr 3 - The new Coherence™ and Continuity™ hybrid amplifier from Schiit - Impression & discussion thread

    There was (is) an audio clip that someone posted here some time ago (quite a while) that tripped the DC protect circuit of some units. I tested it on both of my units at a moderate volume that I would normally listen to and it tripped one of them into DC protect and it came back after some 10...
  13. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I could hear the dishwasher through one of my 6SN7’s once because the vibrations carried from the kitchen counter through the floor and walls to the living room and up the shelf that the amp (a Lyr3) was stood on.. it might have been harmless but sure was annoying.. :unamused::laughing:
  14. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Tubes must be just like wine… they have good years and bad years, they improve with their age (at least it is perceived), and the price always goes up with age regardless of type 😄 Oh, and as soon you open the bottle, the value quickly declines 🤣
  15. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Page 10100 and 10101.. solidly into binary here! So we’re really only at pages 24 and 25? 😝😜🤪
  16. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    That would be cool, but I think the name Stjarna (star), being a phono pre, follows from their turntable Sol (sun, which is also a star, “our” star). The Sol is unfortunately out of production but hopefully Stjarna will be around for a long time!
  17. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Enjoying the music is indeed the most important thing - if one does not, what is the point of all the gear?
  18. tafens

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    The reason for it illudes me, but apparently shorting the inputs when off/standby is a thing that some amps do. Seems somewhat counter productive to me, as it could potentially wreak havoc on the rest of the system, but there might be a good reason for it some scenario I don’t know about. I’m...
  19. tafens

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    That is probably due to individual differences in the manufacturing, where the filament is more visible (sticks out longer) in some tubes than others. I have one tube where the top glow isn’t even visible, but it works great nonetheless, so most likely, no worries :L3000:
  20. tafens

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Neither have I, except with Modi which in older models have a non-Unison USB built in so not really comparable as it’s a completely different DAC to Gungnir. On the other hand, I have noted USB cables making a difference to my ears in my system, so to me it feels logical that USB to Eitr in via...
  21. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    It’s been nice reading the recent comments about programming languages some of you all been into, made me think of what ones I’ve dealt with over the years. I started out on the Commodore 64 as a kid (somewhat disclosing my age here) and dabbled in the built-in BASIC, followed tutorials in the...
  22. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I’m sorry to hear that, I was looking forward to VH3’s summer release to renew my office setup (and, because I’m cheap, piggy-back an extra Freya remote on top to save on postage :smile:). I hope you find a solution to make it work even if it seems hopeless now, but hey what would life be...
  23. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    That looks almost brickwalled at 16.5 kHz with some things getting through up to 17 kHz but then it’s empty. I’m no expert on Hi-Rez, but that is not what I would expect. For a 48 kHz sample rate I would expect things there at 20 kHz and beyond, even if only as noise, but definitely something.
  24. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I havent’t employed directional audio cables myself, I just try to apply some “medium-to-better” quality cables in my system just to be sure (i.e. tame my nervosa) - but AFAIK there is some merit in the shielding extending from the source component and not being connected to the next component...
  25. tafens

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    There still are a few available in the closeout section, just sayin’ :ksc75smile: It’s the only dedicated preamp I’ve had, but I love it in the chain with GS2+ and OG Aegir, usually in 4x gain for a little more oomph:smiley: