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  • Users: earmonger
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  1. earmonger

    Widest L or XL eartips?

    After recently being flummoxed trying to get a fit on 7hz Zero 2 IEMs, I'm wondering if anyone has found good eartips wider than 13mm, the typical L size. Silicone or foam, preferably not ridiculously expensive. 14mm? 15mm? Bring 'em on. Links appreciated.
  2. earmonger

    Flagship or BS?

    OK, maybe I'm trolling a little bit here but... When I see "flagship" I tend to flinch. There are just not enough quarters stuck in my sofa cushions to afford a four-figure gadget. And I have the feeling Moore's Law also applies to audio components. Everything just keeps getting cheaper to...
  3. earmonger

    Neutral Sound: Practical and philosophical Q

    Amps and DACs can provide measureably imperceptible distortion, passing trough the original signal. Why not headphones and IEMs? I don't want fun, warm, dark, treblehead, basshead, chucklehead, etc. I just want to hear what the musicians and producers put into the recording in first place...
  4. earmonger

    AKG N5005 connector for Sennheiser IE300, IE600, IE900?

    Someone suggested in another thread that the MMCX connector for the AKG N5005 would fit the peculiar Sennheiser connector. I'm on record as hating the microphonic Sennheiser cable and would love to find an affordable replacement since the IEMs themselves are enjoyable. There are cables on...
  5. earmonger

    I will not pay $1k for phantom improvements

    I see so much here about upgrades, tech innovations, woodgrains and configurations. Sorry, but the perceptual apparatus has limits.
  6. earmonger

    Name Beyoncé's 'phones?

    Anybody recognize these?
  7. earmonger

    $10 CIEM impression kit: Any user experiences?

    Has anyone tried this DIY in-ear mold goop from Earplug Superstore?
  8. earmonger

    Sony 360 Reality Spatial Audio--Opinions?

    Tidal and Amazon Music Unlimited have started posting new spatialized remixes of David Bowie's mostly later catalog, like the albums "Blackstar," "Heathen" and "A Reality Tour," in Sony's new "360 Reality Audio." On Tidal, which I have, a search for Bowie 360 has all the remixed albums jumbled...
  9. earmonger

    Museum Store Sunday

    Amid all the cyber-this and black-that, Nov. 29 is also Museum Store Sunday, a chance to support your favorite institution and repository. One that I always find amusing is the Museum of Portable Sound. In case you want, for instance, the "History...
  10. earmonger

    Schiit OL? (Magni static)

    I have an OG Schiit Magni (purchased from none other than the invincible Torq). There is static when I turn the volume knob: not great, but OK, I could deal with that. However, there are also random little moments of static when it's just sitting there untouched, supposedly doing its job...
  11. earmonger

    Bluetooth to MMCX receivers: Etymotion, FiiO, etc. What's best?

    Instead of getting more TWS buds--with compromised sound quality, connectivity issues, assorted quirks--I've been thinking about getting one of the external BT receivers with MMCX connectors -- neckband, pocket -- and using my existing IEMs. There are lots of reviews of individual receivers...
  12. earmonger

    Cable rant

    Not aimed at any brand in particular but: Detachable cables should be the simplest engineering problem for IEMs to have solved by now. You want something with proper impedance/resistance, strong connections, tensile strength, minimum microphonics, low weight. Maybe I've forgotten a parameter...
  13. earmonger

    Genius IEM marketing idea for the taking (meow)

    OK, IEM makers. I was looking at how many IEMs--Penon, Dunu, Moondrop--use a pointy-nosed, sort of triangular shell. And one day I noticed how similar it was to the sort of sculptural, triangular shape of a cat's head. And, y'know, people love cats. It is a proven scientific fact (which I just...
  14. earmonger

    Recable my RHA T20i in the USA?

    There's a Youtube video (of course) showing that it's possible to mod the RHA T20i, which was hardwired, with MMCX. The shells are metal, and they need either an unusually narrow MMCX socket or they need to be widened with a Dremel. (Obviously I'd prefer the narrow socket if someone has...
  15. earmonger

    Grado 325, earpiece falls off post, got a fix?

    Ah, eBay, sigh.   Got what I thought was a good price on Grado SR325 from a 100% positive feedback guy.  And they looked good with new bowl pads, and the cords weren't all twisted up, and the sound has all kinds of new details.   And then I realized that they stink of smoke. Anyone have...
  16. earmonger

    Shure E3 for $140

    Just got mine at B&H Photo for $139.95, including the Shure 30-day tryout period. They're out of stock at the moment--did I get the last one?-- but they tend to restock pretty fast. Question: has anyone tried...