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  1. fault151

    Dent in tweeters effect sound quality?

    Yeah thats what I thought. It's probably more psychological thinking I can hear a difference, but if the tweeter stopped working in the future because of it, i'd be annoyed. I just know if i ever tried to sell them on, it would cause issues as someone else would also be worried about the sound...
  2. fault151

    Dent in tweeters effect sound quality?

    Hi. I recently bought a set of speakers brand new, when they arrived I checked them over and noticed they have a small line dent in one of the tweeters. My question is are they likely to effect the sound quality? The speakers are SX4's from Mission, so not cheap speakers. I asked the...
  3. fault151

    The future of music...

    All you music lovers out there, I am working with a client and trying to gather a bit of research on the future of music and how we consume music. The aim is to find out as much information as possible on the types of music services you guys like to use, where you like to listen to music and the...
  4. fault151

    UK Head-Fi meet 2011. Thread closed: We now have a venue and a New Thread (see below)

    Guys, I'm definitely in providing it doesn't fall on 7th or 14 th May.   Was a good day last year. I have a buffalo 2 dac with custom valve output I can bring and a new panda headphone amp.  
  5. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    Wow, John you have been busy! These amps look sweet! Nice style you have going on there.           Quote:
  6. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    Love the stealthy look of this amp! Awesome!     Quote:
  7. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    Love this, it has a real retro feel to it! nice work!         Quote:
  8. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    wow super jealous of this thing! I want to build one now.   Quote:
  9. fault151

    Awesome diy daft punk helmet

    I saw this and just had to post it, the length the guy goes to to make this helmet is amazing. There's even some electronics in there!   Check it out...  ...
  10. fault151

    Buffalo II dac with switchable 6h6p valve output and ivy 3

    i guys sorry for the slow replies, I didn't notice I had comments. I haven't built anything for a while and really need to get back in to it.   Cheers, for your reply John. Yeh the Buffalo dac is amazing, by far my favourite dac. I just need to get it cased up so its more useable,   
  11. fault151

    Pictures of your DAC Post them here!

      My buffalo II dac with custom 6n6p valve output and ivy. Still needs to be cased properly to make it nice and tidy. I will also design a panel too. I really love the sound of the dac both with the valve output and ivy3, i have to say the valves sound nicer to me. I...
  12. fault151

    post your HD650 setup

    I have the following setups and like the sound that each set up gives me..   Set up 1 balanced buffalo 2 dac with custom 6n6p valve output (output transformers) > b22 balanced amp > HD650   Set up 2 buffalo 2 dac > Aikido valve amp > HD650   set up 3  Modified beresford dac >...
  13. fault151

    Do the World Cup horns (vuvuzelas) irritate you or not?

    YES they annoy the hell out of me. Its so annoying when you try listen.
  14. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    @FRED, another nice D.I.Y build! I must have a go a making my own board some day. 
  15. fault151

    A Super-Simple 6DJ8 Headphone Amp

    Hi, I got a BOM from Kensei. I have ordered all the parts and will hopefully be putting it together as soon as I get time. Looking forward to building it. kansei kansei
  16. fault151

    A Super-Simple 6DJ8 Headphone Amp

    Guys, does anyone have a BOM I could use for parts for the amp. I have read a few of you have tweaked parts based on the attached schematic. I was going to follow the schematic exactly as it is, but if there are a few tweaks that will improve the build, i may as well order them from the start...
  17. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    Quote: Lovely build!!!!   
  18. fault151

    Roll Call: Who's building, built, or thinking of building a beta22?

    Quote:     Thanks :0) glad you like it. Took me long enough to build!!!  
  19. fault151

    Pictures of your DAC Post them here!

    Cheers. its sounds really nice. I had it on show at a meet up in the UK today and it was well received.
  20. fault151

    Twisted Pear Audio Opus DAC

    Hmm. that does look tempting to try. I have a spare opus dac with metranome, ballsie, receiver board and i was thinking about making it up as a dac to use at work. this would be nicer than the ballsie, but wonder how it sounds. it was eiher a case of using the ballsie, trying the zapfilter or a...
  21. fault151

    Radio Ball - really cool concept

    I was looking through some design sites at work and came across this radio ball concept. In a nutshell, the design of the ball acts as a self tuning radio that when rotated tunes to different stations, when you find the station you like you add a marker in to the ball and it remembers the...
  22. fault151

    Post pics of your builds....

    Wow, love this!!! Wish i could do my own wooden cases.
  23. fault151

    Pictures of your DAC Post them here!

      Hi guys, over the past few months i have been working on a project with a friend to build a valve output for my buffalo II dac. It has been a joint effort (although the brains behind this build was my mate Nick) to build a dac that i can use as my main dac with a switchable output using a...
  24. fault151

    Roll Call: Who's building, built, or thinking of building a beta22?

    Hi, thanks for the nice comments. I designed the panels and had them made at FPE. The chassis was from HIFI 2000. I'm not sure exactly how much it all cost me, but i can tell you it wasn't cheap! I tried to build the best i could.
  25. fault151

    Buffalo II dac with switchable 6h6p valve output and ivy 3

    Quote: Originally Posted by swt61 Since I also have a balanced β22, I'd love to hear some quick impressions of the DAC and amp synergy, though I can imagine it to be first class. I have so far managed to hear it with my b22, modded x-can v3, graham slee solo, aikido valve amp...