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  1. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd USB-32 Firmware, Drivers, and Feedback Thread

      Just upped to V2 on the same DAC and got my opinion down before I read any others. Its connected to an NFB 6 and balanced out to HE500s. It seems to have smoothed out that "tapping on the side of an aluminium can with your fingernail" quality that used to really bug me with this setup. A...
  2. JuicyBruce

    Reply to review by 'juicybruce' on item 'Microlab Solo 7c'

    Melbournite :) Should have known. CPL sell the 7C(new) for $169 at last check. Scorptec and MSY should be about the same. I have the latest version - still need to bend down and power off. I get a soft but noticable whining sound when the volume is set to 21 and 27 as well but meh... 
  3. JuicyBruce

    Reply to review by 'juicybruce' on item 'Microlab Solo 7c'

    NO! The 9C is awful. Nothing at all like the 7C. None of the 3d treble projection and magic and a ton of floppy uncontrolled "bass" for want of a better word. My first set of 7C's started humming and generating heat so I thought i'd give the next step up a try. Bad move - were replaced with 7's...
  4. JuicyBruce

    Reply to review by 'juicybruce' on item 'Microlab Solo 7c'

    Here's the thing with these bad boys - they scale up. My pair were connected to a PS4 using my dear old ibasso d10 as an optical source from the TV. No RCA in this telly so I had to make do.  And it sounded great. Truly did.  Months later im changing jobs and the balanced Audio GD dac and amp...
  5. JuicyBruce

    Melbourne Meet: Sunday 6/4/14

    In like Flynn!   Can bring Audio GD NFB-1P Sabre DAC Audio GD NFB-6 balanced amp Balanced HE-500
  6. JuicyBruce

    FiiO X3 mod - AD8397 to AD8620

      Sorry - probably sent that too quickly. This is it mounted on an adaptor inside my D10 (with class A mod). Ill do a bit more hunting for specs...     Edit - right so im an idiot. Had a missing zero. Here are the specs:  ...
  7. JuicyBruce

    FiiO X3 mod - AD8397 to AD8620

    Hi Folks - I have a chap lined up to do the soldering work and I was wondering if the ISL5502 would suit?   A link to the datasheet\isl55020irz-t13_711159.pdf   Cheers! JB
  8. JuicyBruce

    ios7, iPhone and Apple CCK

    Does anyone have an iBasso D10 lying around that they can test this setup for me? Having just bought an X3 to use as a digital transport there may be one up for quick sale soon.
  9. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    Quote:   I may have had a hand in that. Li-ion batteries are restricted to import to Australia and AGD tried for a months to send mine before we worked out why they kept being rejected and returned. I didnt notice a difference between a battery and the PSU but the upgrade from USB power...
  10. JuicyBruce

    Melbourne Meet Saturday 13/7/13

    Im very interested!   Its an all audio-gd affair for me and I'm dying to hear other gear.   I can lug around the following cos my office is very close by:   DI-V3 + PSU (and a battery) NFB-3 C2.2   HE-500
  11. JuicyBruce

    Review CablePro Freedom Cable for the HE500 and LCD2

      Glad to read this - i was never convinced silver was the right choice and had been wrestling with my setup to tame the shrillness (and all the while telling myself that it sounded awesome).  Just when I thought I had a perfect balance after a couple of days break it went back to sounding...
  12. JuicyBruce

    Solder gurus - advice on how to attach silver cable to a replacement UE terminal

    Thanks for the reply Steve! Also props to Ted for the PM. You are the dood and i'll probably end up buying another CH cable from you guys soon if this goes pear shaped. Love this community...   The wire I will be attempting to solder is quite a bit smaller than the terminal cup which is...
  13. JuicyBruce

    Solder gurus - advice on how to attach silver cable to a replacement UE terminal

    Hi all,   I bought the following to replace the terminals on my chris_himself cable but i'm damned if I will be able to make it work. The circled "plugs" are only about 2mm deep and the cuts you can see are about 1mm. I have bare silver wire and inserting into these holes does not seem...
  14. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    Perfectly - about the only time I have been relieved my workplace is all mac.    Edit - Sorry a bit hasty. I couldnt get up-sampling to work on the trial of Audirvana I was using. Not overly fussed about that however. Everything else has been a seamless plug and play situation thankfully.
  15. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    Quote:   Im using a macbook pro - tried with VLC, itunes and spotify and they sounded the same. Is there any way the osx audio engine could be causing this and how can I check? Krogg - on a mac by any chance?
  16. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    Krogg - the battery I ordered and the matching charger
  17. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    Quote:   Enormous. My experience with re-clockers (non professional) is just Audio-GD and its been a jolly ride. Im not the guy to compare brands but I know what good sounds like. My upgrade path has been this: 1. NFB3: nice 2. NFB3 + V2: a mild improvement, probably more mental...
  18. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

      #4 was too bright and agressive in my system. #5 by contrast is warmer and was sonically spot on - it really was that moment when I had finally found the sound I'd been searching for.
  19. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    ...with the correct sized plug for the DI I didnt notice a difference between this and the PSU to be honest which is a nod to the PSU I guess.   **edit Something I did notice though using the PSU (which I am experiencing now) - after about 6 hours of being powered on my system starts to...
  20. JuicyBruce

    Audio-gd Digital Interface

    I upgraded from V2 to V3 using the original V2 PSU. There was a bit of soldering involved to get it to play with the V3 (Kingwa sent a resistor) but I would pretty much say its essential.
  21. JuicyBruce

    1964 Ears

    Quote:   Where is this information from? I emailed 1964 and got back the somewhat safe replay of "it depends what drivers we use in the v4". I seem to be allergic to money these days and this is the perfect excuse to shed some - hoping this tale comes true!
  22. JuicyBruce

    Are good DAPs extinct?

    Quote:   $180 and coax out - thats my two boxes ticked. Thanks for the info :)
  23. JuicyBruce

    S/PDIF: Which DAPs have this output?

    Quote:   Music to my ears. Ill be using it with a D10.
  24. JuicyBruce

    S/PDIF: Which DAPs have this output?

    Quote:   Dont beat yourself up - I only just noticed the 'leccy tape. Ill probably take the same route as you.
  25. JuicyBruce

    S/PDIF: Which DAPs have this output?

    Quote: Hey seekadds - is that a custom cable from the D3? I remember the options cable kit being quite long and undesirable. Yours looks great!