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  1. Samk15

    Microphone calibration file | how it works

    Thank you. I always find your posts interesting. I started to measure one of my earphones and i noticed that there is a weird spikes in the frequency spectrum when nothing was attached to the mic input. So I assume that these spikes could be the result of circuit board. Therefore I wanted to...
  2. Samk15

    Microphone calibration file | how it works

    Hi, I looked at the calibration files of multiple microphones and couldn't figure out how it works when loaded into REW or similar software? Lets say if I have a value of -0.9 for 29Hz and + 1.5 for 2Khz. How the software translate and compensate these values? Do the calibration file tell the...
  3. Samk15

    Measuring FR - unusual drop around 8K

    After multiple tests using different type/size of couplers, I come to the conclusion that the imm6 is incapable of recording treble frequencies accurately beyond 6Khz. I even connected the eartip directly to the mic without any coupler and it produced the same output (although with less bass)...
  4. Samk15

    Measuring FR - unusual drop around 8K

    I'm using imm6 and AudioTools app on my LG V30. I put the imm6 in a relatively sealed box to minimize environmental noise and run averaging test for at least 3mins using both my LG V30 (below picture) and Asus Zenfone (top picture). No coupler was attached. I noticed that the spl level starts...
  5. Samk15

    Measuring FR - unusual drop around 8K

    Thanks GREQ, It's understandable but one of the earphones that i tested should exhibit a very flat FR whereas it follows this weird sort of FR algorithm as the other two earphones. To make things further more complicated l. I ran a free air test of the mic in a reasonably silent environment...
  6. Samk15

    Measuring FR - unusual drop around 8K

    Hi, I started to test the FR of my earphones and after running few tests I noticed that the recorded FRs for all earphones follow similar pattern. There is a drop around 8K and I wonder if it's due to the type of coupler I'm using or something else? Can someone shed some light into this? Cheers.
  7. Samk15

    FR measuring rig - disappointing results!

    My results were really bad (using 2 inch tube): Here's the link to original source file: And below the recorded sound:
  8. Samk15

    FR measuring rig - disappointing results!

    Thanks for the links. I'll go through each to find out more about measuring rigs/techniques. My first aim is to achieve a more natural and accurate results by using different tube/coupler while keeping the costs low.
  9. Samk15

    FR measuring rig - disappointing results!

    Hi, I've purchased a Dayton imm-6 and followed the instructions in the following video () to build a DIY rig to measure the earphone's frequency response (but I haven't used the pink noise method) and noticed that the recorded sound is very muffled with excessive bass and very inaccurate...
  10. Samk15

    Microphone clipping noise

    Update: The issue fixed by putting my phone into airplane mode. Looks like the cellular signal was interfering with the mic.
  11. Samk15

    Microphone clipping noise

    Update: I've connected the mic to a powerful laptop and it worked ok with some hiss noise background. Also tested it with my friend's Pixel 3a and worked fine. No clipping at all. Seems to be the problem with my Asus Zenphone 4. Need to buy a phone with better DAC/ADC.
  12. Samk15

    Microphone clipping noise

    Hi, I bought a new imm6 mic and done some testing but unfortunately the results were disappointing. I hear a loud clipping sound when recording audio. Here's an example: I believe the mic is faulty but not sure if others have experienced this issue before. Any recommendations/ suggestions...
  13. Samk15

    Dayton Audio | Out of business?

    Hi folks, I recently bought a mic (imm6) from a reseller and went online to Dayton Audio to download the calibration file but to my surprise the site redirected me to parts express and I couldn't find any relevant link to calibration file. I'm very disappointed! I was gonna use this mic for...
  14. Samk15

    Dayton Audio | Out of budiness?

    Hi folks, I recently bought a mic (imm6) from a reseller and went online to Dayton Audio to download the calibration file but to my surprise the site redirected me to parts express and I couldn't find any relevant link to calibration file. I'm very disappointed! I was gonna use this mic for some...
  15. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    Every single bit of it was helpful. Very detailed information and the links were a great help. Thanks again!
  16. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    Well, you answered your own question. You don't care! I don't remember I said what other people measuring is incorrect or my results would be better or i don't trust them!
  17. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    @castleofargh found it difficult to measure IEMs due to badly designed ear canal. So it seems that the user experience is inconsistent with the EARS gear. I believe it's better to omit the EARS altogether and go with a custom-made gear instead. I was looking into both, Behringer ECM8000 and...
  18. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    Nice to hear from someone who actually owns the gear. To compensate for the flat ear design of the minidsp E.A.R.S and gain more accurate reaults, can a rubber band help to add some pressure on the headphone?
  19. Samk15

    Comment by 'Samk15' in article 'Dekoni Audio Sennheiser HD600 Pad Frequency Analysis'

    What gears been used to measure the FR?
  20. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    Hmm, looks like nobody is interested in this thread! Maybe I've posted it in the wrong forum!
  21. Samk15

    Headphone measurment rig - recommendations

    Hi audiophiles, I'm new to this forum and have many questions in mind but will start from fundamental questions first to have a better understanding of the audio engineering. About myself and gears: 1- knowledge of audio engineering 1/10 2- speakers: M-Audio Av40 3- headphone: KRK 6400 You can...