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  1. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

  2. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    Any help?
  3. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    ok in the end what i have done is cut the cable to half (dont ask why LOL), connected Ground and 3 other cables (white, red, black), the green one connected throw switch, and it works fine, one strange thing the happening is: if the fuze in the dock when i back from sinc mode to charging only...
  4. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    the question is ,if i have to do that for both 2 & 3? as i write before, a want to connect a swutch on the cable, so when i need line out, u coud just turn it off.
  5. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    need some help here : USB pinout and wiring @ what connector i need to disconect?
  6. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    I knew, but it not what i need, btw will my solution work? Just dont wont cut the cable for nothing..
  7. namiSWAN

    Sansa dock usb

    I want the line out to work, but have to use usb charger i dont have, i think maybe just connect a switch on one of the data lines, and when i need line out just turn the switch off, but maybe there is a software solution?
  8. namiSWAN

    New fuze fw bugs?

    For now, i'll say yes, till we got response from them
  9. namiSWAN

    New fuze fw bugs?

    check last page here: Sansa Fuze Firmware Update - Sansa Fuze - Welcome to SanDisk's Sansa Community so there is some isuses reported bt other users. well time see..
  10. namiSWAN

    New fuze fw bugs?

    With what fw?
  11. namiSWAN

    New fuze fw bugs?

    Some users in sansa forum respond, that had problems with 02.02.28 with v2 fuzes, player stuck or write screen and so when mess with replay gain, and some got sound distortion, please report if users here got that problems. We have to push them to fix that, because in state like that it's like...
  12. namiSWAN

    Griffing PowerDock & Fuze question

    Well, I'll post what Griffin support team answer, when I'll get e-mail from them.
  13. namiSWAN

    Wow! Sansa Fuze- color me impressed- Fuze appreciation thread

    ...people bassheads, some not LOL, & some setups reproduce much better sound experince close to the original (depend on file Q), some still need EQ. * btw I not really get it ,why people use AMP if the DAP AMP enaugh to push headphones with 16-32ohms impendance, like what ,some player not have...
  14. namiSWAN

    Griffing PowerDock & Fuze question

    Any suggestions?, Griiffin support team still not send me answer but opend "Support ticket" @ 10.05.2009 (take 3-5 business days), but maybe anyone here use that dock ? & btw maybe there is special adapter made dor Fuze that thay could send me? coz why the support page syas it compatible with...
  15. namiSWAN

    Senn PX100 burn in

    Hey, how much time I need to burn-in them? tha bass i nice but I remmeber it was softer & more pleasunt back then when I tryed them @ DJ Shop (I'm shure they got many hours of burn-in, coz even with my cellular they sounds GR8, so how much time they need to burn-in? THX guys .
  16. namiSWAN

    Griffing PowerDock & Fuze question

    actually according to support page it supports fuze, & btw my box has a small sticker that says "compatible with Connect" & image of sansa Connect LOL, Griffin Technology: PowerDock for Sansa - Charging Dock with Line-Out under "Product Compatibility", well i'll see what griffin support team...
  17. namiSWAN

    Griffing PowerDock & Fuze question

    , I contacted Griffin suppot , 3-5 bussines day thei'll respond. But as I think the dock connectors shound sit in the same angle, or a least the players connector, i know that cases add some mm to the player so ill check when i got them , and maybe the middle one be perfect without any user...
  18. namiSWAN

    Griffing PowerDock & Fuze question

    Hey guys. I finnaly got that dock but wondering what adapter I have to use ? I mean the small rubber things that came with it, the Fuze will be used with Leather case or silicone case when docked if it's important
  19. namiSWAN

    thinking about E150

    hey guys, couple of month ago a thout to buy the Sansa Fuze, but now i see that some shops in my country sell the iRivere E150, i know that it an apgrade of E100 , but does the SQ is better ? and about D-click? it had touch sensors? or it just in the body of the player? another reason is the...
  20. namiSWAN

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]

    How you like your PX200 ? i prefer PX100+ PX200 buds
  21. namiSWAN

    "Giving up my iPod for a Walkman"

    When the Sony Walkman was launched, 30 years ago this week, it started a revolution in portable music. But how does it compare with its digital successors? The Magazine invited 13-year-old Scott Campbell to swap his iPod for a Walkman for a week. What your comments on this story?
  22. namiSWAN

    New clip soon anybody?

    new sansa clip will come outsoon. - Sansa Clip - abi>>forums what do you think? True? It will be the best, DAP by size of clip and micro sd slot, btw is it possible to fit 16gb in the clip? or it to small? , fuze had much more space, but what about the clip?
  23. namiSWAN

    Do you use amp in public?

    Quote: Originally Posted by phangtonpower I have my Fuze in a Silicon case that has slots for an armband strap, but instead of an armband strap, I have velcro wire organizers going through and have it around my Hornet, which is in a cheap 100 yen camera case. I usually have it in my...
  24. namiSWAN

    Time to upgrade my px100

    what bad with px100? and why go for iem after headphones ?