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  • Users: cenix
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  1. cenix

    TOPPING E70 DAC & L70 AMP is up!

    Any idea how this stack compares to the Topping A+D 30 pro? More specifically, looking for the difference between D30 Pro and E70. I'm thinking about returning my D30 pro for the E70.
  2. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    I see, that makes sense. Thank you for answering. I thought it might have been quality control groups 4 and 6 or something. If they really have 4 to 6 people checking on these, that's nice, seeing how many units of these they are making, including these quality control checks.
  3. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    In every Aria box, there is a quality control card. I got 1 box with QC 004 and another with QC 006. What do those numbers signify?
  4. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    I have the same issue on my current pair and my last one (returned that one for another reason). I suspect that this could be one of the things that has been overlooked during QC checks. Also sending back this pair. I'm a bit bunned out having to send back 2 pairs already.
  5. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Thanks. I have decided to send it back (Amazon) for another one. In the right nozzle, it appears that a part of the acoustic filter is stuck to the metal filter. Though I am not 100% sure if that's the acoustic filter, it's white, so I can't imagine what else it could be. Possibly due to this...
  6. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    I decided to see if I could measure any channel imbalance on my newly arrived Aria, and sadly it's present on lower volumes. Whenever I play THIS <70db, there is a channel imbalance of around 0.5db, with the right channel being slightly louder. I measured with an android sound meter, using foam...
  7. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Just received my Aria. Will be burning them in and have a try at it. Also ordered THIS filter kit, just in case it's needed down the line. I haven't seen any cases of channel imbalance for the Aria after looking through the forum, but is that a thing I should be looking out for?
  8. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Alright, thank you. I know that it's unlikely that Moondrop will make adjustments on the fly. But it has been done before to other IEMs, so I can only be hopeful. I see, in that case I will probably not bother with additional mesh filters if I choose to remove the steel filter. Thanks. Got it...
  9. cenix

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Hello, has there been any indication that Moondrop is going to revise Aria to get a mesh grill on it, rather than the steel one? Or, how likely do you think this would happen? I'm reluctant to buy a new product and then go and apply physical adjustments to it (and thereby possibly void...
  10. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I have tried quite a few cables myself and none of them work all that great for a period of time. All of them become somewhat loose to the point minor movements would disconnect the sound. So far, only the stock cable has been a good fit, for me at least. Good luck.
  11. cenix

    XDuoo X3 DSD 24Bit / 192KHz CS4398 Chip Lossless Music Player

    Thank you for the reply. I tried updating it to VTX5 with the "update" file and entering the stock firmware menu. When I pressed on "upgrade", it did nothing other than starting up my rockbox firmware instead. So, the manual update will be needed, something that I'm not able to do with W10. I...
  12. cenix

    Rockbox Xduoo X3

    I had a question about the installation of VTX5 when your device is already rockboxed. I have searched the thread, and found no tutorial on this. Besides, it seems that a Windows 7 machine is needed. So, I seem to be out of luck wiht my W10. I hope that this VTX5 "upgrade" isn't anything...
  13. cenix

    XDuoo X3 DSD 24Bit / 192KHz CS4398 Chip Lossless Music Player

    Hello, regarding this VTX5 version, is this worth it if I already have a fine-working X3 with rockbox? For instance, is there an upgrade in terms of sound quality? From what I understand from Vortex's post, I need to flash my rockboxed X3 with the VTX5 version (an altered version of the stock)...
  14. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    No I don't think so. The cable connector seems to be pretty crappy still. I have tried 3 cables now, all of them have issues. When I angle my head into a certain direction, the sound sometimes cuts out. I have gone back to using the original cable. That one seems to have the best connection...
  15. cenix

    Tin Hifi P1 impressions

    Can anyone tell me what size mesh/dust network I need to buy for the Tin P1? I think that it's either 5mm or 4.8mm. Any chance someone can confirm? Thank you. I'm currently looking at this: THIS
  16. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    Changed to a better cable and so far no issues with the MMCX connector (white box version).
  17. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    Do you need to detach the MMCX cable to see the red and blue markings? I haven't detached the cable that came with it just yet, as I was worried about the connector. I don't see any red/blue markings so far, just the L/R imprint on both the earpieces and the cable.
  18. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I'm using KZ Starline tips (M) turned inside out. Both fit and isolation seem fine for me.
  19. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I got the light grey cable in the white box too, as do some other people from Youtube unboxing videos. So, I'm positive that you always get the light grey cable with the white boxes, if you choose for the grey cable (there is also a pink cable). The dark grey cables come with the black boxes.
  20. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I have only gotten them today and listened for about an hour. That's not enough to give any proper opinion on this. But, so far, they sound really fun and definitely for bassheads. The bass sounds more "dynamic" on these, compared to my BL-03s. Will see what burn-in does for these, and will have...
  21. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    Was your unit in a black- or white box? Mine arrived in a white box, so if yours was as well, then I won't swap out the cables.
  22. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    These stock cables don't seem too bad, so I will use them for now. If any brave individuals in here happen to test different cables and report on the aftermath, I might be inclined to take the step. :p
  23. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I have received my pair in white box as well. So far, nothing negative has been detected. However, I'm a bit nervous to swap cables, with the older versions having connector issues. Have you swapped cables yet? If so, were there any issues with the connectors afterward?
  24. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    You couldn't possibly know that the manufacturer was going display suspicious practices. It's good that people like Slater have the tools and capability figure out what's going on, so that others can make more informed decisions in the future. In hindsight, I should have waited and see how the...
  25. cenix

    URBANFUN YBF-ISS014 Impressions thread

    I ordered mine yesterday as well, through the DD-Audio store on AliExpress. As I understand (from others in here), that's the same shop as Linsoul. Did you order it from the Linsoul website itself? Hope you receive it soon :) P.S. Now I have someone to compare my unit to in case something is...