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  1. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    For maximum warmth, I would rely on
  2. castleofargh

    the Basics of Digital and Analog Audio

    Well guys, he has feelings, so I guess it's time to burn all the books on the topic and agree with him. Seriously, how many pages did it take for the ultimate conclusion to not be about quantization but about how you would stick to believing whatever you want and only look for information that...
  3. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    No evidence = no reason for trust. It's not a social party, but a thread about testing the reality of something. When someone else believes in something you don't believe, it takes zero effort to consider the chasm between his belief and reality. But doing the same thing while looking in a...
  4. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Short or long listening doesn't matter if nothing is in place to show when we're wrong.
  5. castleofargh

    Days of ear pain - audiophile journey already over? Help?!!

    The E.A.R.S isn't great. I got one when it came out, hopefully they improved some things since, but mine has a much too short "ear canal", some foam stuff poorly placed around a capsule to almost seal something, and a compensation curve that does what it can under the circumstances(different...
  6. castleofargh

    Days of ear pain - audiophile journey already over? Help?!!

    First, the common sense answer: Stop whatever it is that causes you pain and don't do it again! Also, go see a professional. Now, the noob with an opinion answer: I cannot stand most Fostex. I don't like elevated amplitude in the treble in general. The 3 to 4kHz area is certainly a crucial...
  7. castleofargh

    the Basics of Digital and Analog Audio

    16bit in total, not bit 16. 1bit wherever it is has only 2 settings. Look, we can play on word forever and get nowhere. Resolution is increased if you like, it’s true as bit depth is part of the formula. But it also is misleading to think that way because it looks like you’re missing the point...
  8. castleofargh

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    I really struggled with The Handmaid's Tale and their very professional way of forcing you to turn the volume to 11 if you wanted to have any hope of hearing most of the dialogs. The first seasons honestly sounded very good most of the time, some episodes impressed me, some were already a...
  9. castleofargh

    Perception Without Awareness

    I saw a martial art movie when I was young where a dude trains a kid to jump over a tiny little tree he just planted. Then we move to the scene years later where the tree is super tall and the now grown up kid jumps over it. Simple matter of training ^_^. I could never find that movie, as I...
  10. castleofargh

    Perception Without Awareness

    "People who need to eat are just jealous!" "I can stay a full day without eating, so why couldn't he do it for months?" "I don't need to prove to you that I don't eat!" Or, in still dumb but non audiophile logic: The guy probably just happened to have a higher midichlorian count. Or he could...
  11. castleofargh

    Perception Without Awareness

    I’m sure there is some manipulation everywhere, including in what we get to see on video. He’s using all the tricks in the book including researching people in advance and possibly picking some actors on occasion for even more dramatic effect. I think we all agree and he says it all the time, he...
  12. castleofargh

    Perception Without Awareness

    I didn't hear him say it or it being written in the store in a super obvious way, but maybe it had nothing to do with the store at all (or it's just that the video resolution is too low to see). There is one with advertising dudes where the cues were on the streets throughout the car trip. I...
  13. castleofargh

    Tube amps are beloved for the warmth they impart to a sound signature. However, if you are the type of listener who is heavily EQ-ing your headphones anyways, does this make tube amps redundant? Is there still a reason to use Tube Amps with EQ?

    Because we wandered off so much, I feel the need to repeat my initial comment. The stereotypical tube warmth some amps provide, is more than EQ(it might not be EQ at all depending on the design), so OP can't replace one by the other. Fliz likes tubes and not EQ, I like EQ not tubes(mostly...
  14. castleofargh

    Tube amps are beloved for the warmth they impart to a sound signature. However, if you are the type of listener who is heavily EQ-ing your headphones anyways, does this make tube amps redundant? Is there still a reason to use Tube Amps with EQ?

    I have to say yes, if only for still being alive and well after some of the stuff I got involved in:smile_cat:. But based on the acoustic properties of my head fitting some generic model picked by a manufacturer, I've had no luck at all. Again, the explanation is in the very post you reply to...
  15. castleofargh

    the Basics of Digital and Analog Audio

    While real psychology surely separates things in a meaningful way, I keep seeing similarities between what really boils down to people’s ease and really talent, to fill in the gaps in a story, no matter how big. From people who lack information, to script writing, to handling false beliefs and...
  16. castleofargh

    the Basics of Digital and Analog Audio

    And more dots would make a better signal!!!
  17. castleofargh

    Tube amps are beloved for the warmth they impart to a sound signature. However, if you are the type of listener who is heavily EQ-ing your headphones anyways, does this make tube amps redundant? Is there still a reason to use Tube Amps with EQ?

    It's a false argument because: -A square wave is a fringe illegal signal(one you will never find pure in analog music mediums, and one that cannot fit in the sampling theorem for digital use, thus the illegal term). -Distortion is distortion, and it happens everywhere it does, not just...
  18. castleofargh

    Tube amps are beloved for the warmth they impart to a sound signature. However, if you are the type of listener who is heavily EQ-ing your headphones anyways, does this make tube amps redundant? Is there still a reason to use Tube Amps with EQ?

    :weary: The "tube sound", as in clearly colored sound of some tube amps, has to do with distortions(and sometimes EQ). A tube amp with very low distortion and flat FR( big negative feedback) tends to sound like a clean SS amp. Extra harmonics created by the amplifier are, by definition...
  19. castleofargh

    the Basics of Digital and Analog Audio

    Been there done that, got the T-shirt. It's hard to stay on track with non-intuitive stuff unless we surround ourselves with them often. And no matter how non-linear our senses are, we do intuitively think in linear ways. My idea is to go back to the roots with physical R2R stuff instead of...
  20. castleofargh

    is apple lossless real lossless?

    But not an actual apple.
  21. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    YouTube this month has been pointing me toward French politics and Indian stand up, when I have zero interest in politic, and of course I don't watch stand-up comedy in a language I don't understand. Then again, Google knows more about me than I do, and that is a fact! So I probably should start...
  22. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Yes, or just listen to the radio. Dolby night mode is a good friend of mine.
  23. castleofargh

    Pink noise volume pan for evaluating stereo imaging

    I was specifically talking about localization, and for that, I find that the sound going on and off is easier to place than something at least subjectively more stable. For matters related to frequency response, it’s not going to do great.:smile_cat: About depth perception, keep in mind that...
  24. castleofargh

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I'm a slave to Bach already. Organ and harpsichord pieces are my go-to background music when I need to think. IDK what it is exactly, it turns me into a focused and seemingly slightly smarter me. Or should I say, it makes me feel that way ^_^.