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  1. glebo2007

    Producing/Mixing Headphones

    thanks for the suggestions, I think I go with the Beyer DT880 pro
  2. glebo2007

    Producing/Mixing Headphones

    yes thanks, will look in to it.
  3. glebo2007

    Producing/Mixing Headphones

    Hi,   I'm looking for a headphone to use as an alternative to my monitors to analise and do some mixing. My budget is around $350.   Do you have any suggestions for a good set of cans?   Thank you.  
  4. glebo2007

    Beyer Dynamics DT880 PRO

    Ok thanks.
  5. glebo2007

    Beyer Dynamics DT880 PRO

    Hi,      I'm going to buy Beyer Dynamics DT880 PRO (250 ohm) for monitoring. I have a DIGI002 with the headphone outputs: +15 dBu, 150 ohm load. So my question is if this if actually enough power to drive them. It heard that they require alot of power to get a good sound out of them.  ...