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  1. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rednamalas1 your sig is crying out for AD2000... It'll eat A700s for breakfast and take its lunch money too! you got to realize, i'm still in highschool too. Very limited funds. But AD2000's would be VERY NICE!!!!!
  2. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rednamalas1 I've tried both and it's not a huge difference IMO. I didn't think either had very prominent highs. Then again, I play drums; I can stand sibilince unless it's in extreme amount (as suggested in 325i + Dion Combo) Well I guess I should...
  3. j.harris

    need cheap in-ear headphones

    My vote goes to the marshmallows. They are called fx33's right?
  4. j.harris

    I don't know what bad headphones sound like anymore!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by WittyzTH I ever brought my W5000 to school once, and my friend wanted to try it because it looks good. She was so surprised how the W5000 sound, and even more surprised when she knew that it costs almost the same as her bag. - -" I'm thinking about...
  5. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mike_TNT Aw man. I'd fess up to anything if I was put under that torture. ROFL!!!!!!!!!
  6. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rednamalas1 A700 has sibilance? Never happened to my previous A900 - and Only sibilance I get from ATs are from CM7ti and ES7 (very rare for me) Try listening to Celine Dion CD from SR-325i -> now THAT's sibilance! I've heard that the A700's have...
  7. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by cheemo Sometimes I hear the Sssibilance but thats at extreme volumes and its kinda of sign that I need to tone down. Grado's are a bit bright but the 225's I have are considered dark sounding to members on this board. I never listened to any AT's though. Good...
  8. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sovkiller Are you sure the recordings are not the cause, some recordings are not done properly and if the miking is not good, you get siblance, try a good material, a good recording I mean, to rule out the recordings... I'm listening to EAC ripped FLAC...
  9. j.harris

    Ugghhh sibilance!!!!! i'm about mad now

    ok I love my A700's and all, but all I get is sibilance. In just about every song I listen to. I can adjust the equilizer in foobar2k, but it takes away the highs and makes it sound flat. Can anyone help me please, this drives me insane to her sibilance!!!! Jacob
  10. j.harris

    I don't know what bad headphones sound like anymore!!!

    I kinda feel the same way with my A700's. I've kinda gotten used to the sound and i've forgotten what bad really sounds like. I can't find my ibuds, where are they!!!? I kinda want to wear my A700's to school on the last day and let my friends listen to them, but I know everyone will look at me...
  11. j.harris

    Subwoofer, how do you say it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx the "oo" in woof is pronounced the same way as in the word "hood". Not pronounced the same way as the "oo" in the word "choose". You hit the nail on the head!!!! I pernounce it the way as is hood. My buddy (n00b) says it as choose. Hahahah...
  12. j.harris

    Rebel XT or D40 or Other?

    The best advice I can give you is get the cheapest canon, or nikon SLR you can stand. Then use the rest of the money on some good L glass for canon, I don't know what nikon calls their good glass. But I would go with Canon..... Jacob
  13. j.harris

    Subwoofer, how do you say it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pars woofer - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary The word comes from woof... not wolf Well I don't say wolf exactly. He says it with a more concentration on the woof part. Like wOOOf, I can't really explain it. But the way I say it...
  14. j.harris

    Subwoofer, how do you say it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pars Like your friend says it Funny, I looked at webster's internet dictionary and they say it the way I do.
  15. j.harris

    Subwoofer, how do you say it?

    I have a friend (extreme n00b) who swears that it is pronounced subwoofer like woof, not wolfer. Like I've heard everyone say wolfer so i've kinda picked that up. But when he literally says woofer it makes me laugh! how is it pronounced though? Jacob
  16. j.harris

    Bose bass improvement trick

    Quote: Originally Posted by got any oranges? This is understandable since the bass quantity is the most important parameter in any audio product evaluation. Who said this!? hahahahhahaa even if this an april fools joke I don't want any n00b who reads this thinking, just like 99%...
  17. j.harris

    Vista Service Pack 1 ?

    I have installed SP1, but i'm about tired of vista, DX10 and aero isn't enough for me to go back to xp. I think i'm going to do it next weekend, if I do it. It isn't really messing up as bad as it used too.
  18. j.harris

    Need some help.

    for $400 you can pick up some logitech z5500's, plus the fact that you have a imac doesn't change anything. And the fact that you have a sub woofer cause you like bass makes you sound really n00by, for future reference keep that to yourself.
  19. j.harris

    Auzen Prelude- which Mode do you use?

    I use audio creation mode with my xtrememusic , I know not the card you are talking about, but I thought I would vote in your poll.
  20. j.harris

    Do any sound cards...

    Quote: Originally Posted by synaesthetic Well the sliders aren't bothering me now; I just want to make sure that when I do get an amp, that the signal going to the amp is as close to line-level as possible. ohh I see what you mean now. I'm not sure of any soundcards that do what...
  21. j.harris

    Do any sound cards...

    Quote: Originally Posted by synaesthetic I'm using ASIO output for Foobar2000 and Foobar's volume slider still affects the output. So does the Main slider in the windows mixer... ohh ok, so why not keep the foobar slider on 100 and just use window's mixer to control the volume of...
  22. j.harris

    Do any sound cards...

    Quote: Originally Posted by synaesthetic ... have a real line-out that's unaffected by the (far too many) different volume controls found on a computer? I'm looking at picking up an M-Audio 24/96 to replace my failed AV710, but I'm cringing at the thought of having to go into every...
  23. j.harris

    Hey there, Head-Fi. (questions and discussion inside)

    Buddy, you are compairing CRAP to awesomeness, just put it that way. But i can't really answer 2. and 3. I'm not sure because i've never thought about sleeping with IEM's in. I imagine that it would be uncomfortable unless you lie on your back and don't roll over. Jacob
  24. j.harris


    Quote: Originally Posted by robojack I'm also using the Microsoft Natural 4000 Keyboard. One big perk of it is how it elevates and tilts your wrists. Almost like you're palming a ball with both hands, very comfortable. I've never gotten wrist strain while using this keyboard. I've...
  25. j.harris

    Most effective burn-in method

    I do frequency sweeps over night for a couple of nights, worked wonders on my A700's!