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  1. rasensio

    Naim DAC V1 vs. RME ADI-2 as AIO headphone amps

    Dear all, I’m looking for an all in one to drive my Utopias and hesitating between these two, which can be had used for around the same price. Seen all the reviews, posts etc. but I’m still unclear which would sound best not just as a DAC (where most reviews favor the RME) but as an all in one...
  2. rasensio

    Best Woo for $1000?

    Thanks guys! So then should I forgot the WA7 and go for the upgraded WA6? Cheers
  3. rasensio

    Best Woo for $1000?

    Thanks guys! So then should I forgot the WA7 and go for the upgraded WA6? Cheers
  4. rasensio

    Best Woo for $1000?

    Hi all   Newcomer, learning like crazy reading you guys for a couple of months, so I decided to join...   I am seriously thinking about getting a Woo amp now, after reading so much stuff here. But there is an interesting overlap of models for a given price range... so here's the big...