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  • Users: mbamg
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  1. mbamg

    Are custom-mold IEMs worth it?

      There are plenty of places that can make and ship customs for less than 1k euro. A lot of them have threads dedicated to them in this forum. I've recently taken the plunge and ordered an entry-level pair for less than $300 US, and only spent about $50 US total to get my impressions made and...
  2. mbamg

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

      I was given an address in Thailand to ship back to, but I don't think I'll be doing that as shipping in and out of Canada is ridiculously expensive.   BTW, has anyone had the chance to compare the be3s to the Sony E818s?
  3. mbamg

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

    Got my BE3s a few days ago. One troubling thing I noticed: bass on the right earpiece is stronger than on the left. It's the same when I swap sides. Is this a defect, or are the earpieces really sensitive to the left and right channels?
  4. mbamg

    Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)

    Just fyi Woo says the BE7 will be back in stock in a few days, while there is no eta for the BE5.
  5. mbamg

    Are these Yuin PK2/ PK3 listings legitimate?

    If the item is popular in the Western world, and it's available on aliexpress, then it's most likely fake.   Aliexpress specifically caters to foreigners, and their sellers appeal to people's greed and gullibility by posting lower prices than of that in legitimate retailers, then sending them...
  6. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

    Well it's been almost a year and the left earpiece has completely cut out.   I'm thinking of getting these reshelled, but I'm not sure which one to go for. I live near Toronto, Canada, if that's any help.
  7. mbamg

    Need help finding earphones best for my needs

    There probably isn't any one here who actually has your earphones as reference, so they won't know how it actually compares to whatever's popular around these parts. If you're willing to sift through a large list of earphones and read through a ton of reviews, start from ljokerl's portable IEM...
  8. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

      I'm not even sure anymore... but PM me when you've gotten them reshelled and tell me what they're like. I'll have to put this on hold for a while.   Update: So apparently my left earpiece has another issue. Music only starts coming out when I turn the volume up to almost max, and sometimes...
  9. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

    Well I've received a reply from hifiman, and the prospects aren't encouraging.     So I guess that's the end of it? Anyone got more ideas?
  10. mbamg

    Head-Direct / HIFIMAN Customer Service TEAM

    Hi Hifiman,   I have a problem which I've posted in this thread:   Can you help? Thanks!
  11. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

          I went on BTG Audio's site, but found this:   Headphones Not serviable: ALL Etymotic, ALL Klipsch (save S4 and Custom 3), ALL Jays, ALL Ortophone, ALL Hifiman In ear headphones (not to be confused with their Planar magnetics., UE TF10, HD380. Bose, Beats' Note: I can perform a...
  12. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

    I bought these off a friend for a good price and paid him in cash. He's already had these reshelled once by sending them back to hifiman, as the earpieces are not the typical hard black ones, but rather soft gray translucent silicone with the hifiman logo. Does anyone know how much it would cost...
  13. mbamg

    Broken RE252s

    So I bought a pair of RE252s off someone a few weeks ago, and everything up until now was fine.   The problem started when my left earpiece started to drop in volume. When I took it out, the music disappeared altogether. Within a few minutes, the music also disappeared from the right earpiece...
  14. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   And now for something completely different... panthers' mom thinks he's gay.
  15. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   That's why I don't like getting gifts unless they're something that I want or have a need for. Same for me giving gifts. Cash is always a good option, since it's flexible.
  16. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Well got back from my programming exam. It was easier than I thought, but still covers more than I've studied.
  17. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Am I the only one who thinks Saten-san has issues?
  18. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   Get your ass on skype nao.
  19. mbamg

    System.out.print("Hello World \n -An Introduction-");

    Quote:   Oh so you're that friend that he mentioned. Probably too late to ask for programming help as my exam is at 9am tomorrow...
  20. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   Maybe they're pulling off another F91...
  21. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   It's when the mathematics crosses over from the "technology" over to the "methodology".   From the concrete and specific formulas to the abstract and general proofs.
  22. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   And none of this is taught in high school, so we literally have no background in discrete maths (hence us failing).
  23. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   Yep, Theory of Computation, the three types of induction and well-ordering, finite state automata, languages, runtimes, the list goes on...   I don't know about engineering programs in Asia, but in Canada this sort of stuff doesn't appear until you do your engineering...
  24. mbamg

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   Oh gawd Discrete maths. It's what's killing me in CS right now.