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  1. AnakChan

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Just a cool $11,113 (RRP) here... Woo Audio Topaz WA11 driving the Craft Ears Omnium via Beat Audio Orbit Saga cables
  2. AnakChan

    The Eminent Ears Appreciation & Impressions Thread - starting with The Ruby

    The Ruby I have at the moment is with another Perth HF member. If you're interested in a listen, I can ship to you as long as you can ship it back to me.
  3. AnakChan

    Craft Ears Reviews/Impressions Thread

    For the past 2 weeks I've had the opportunity to listen to the Omnium universals with thanks to @Tanalasta for the loaner. As I've loaned out the Ruby to another member, I've been sticking to the Tralucent 1Plus2.2 as my baseline when comparing the Omnium. What I've been doing is to pair the...
  4. AnakChan

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    [Mod hat on] A bunch of off topic posts about language deleted. 16 posts in total of which only 1 member rightfully reported WITHOUT contributing. "Disappointed" [/Mod hat off]
  5. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    @daijobudes he’s fine :). He’s responded. Man I couldn’t sleep last night!!
  6. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    I don’t know. I’ve dropped him a message on WhatsApp but I haven’t caught up with him in 3 yrs. Honestly, I hope the info is incorrect cos he’s someone I do appreciate & value. We used to hang out all the time when I was living in Tokyo - and we’d catch up not only because of Fujiya/e-earphone...
  7. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    I sure hope that info is wrong. Last I spoke to Gavin was 3 yrs back.
  8. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    What!? I didn’t hear that! Where did that info come from!?
  9. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    Yep. This makes me baby & treasure my 1Plus2.2 even more :). I think it was around $1200-1300 back in the day? Looking at it now, real value for money.
  10. AnakChan

    Tralucent Audio 1Plus2 IEM (Now With 'New' 1Plus2.2!) Impressions Thread

    I'm gonna bump this thread a little - in the past few months I've been listening some various new current-model IEMs and since I have not bought anything new in the past few years, my trusty old FitEar Titans and Tralucent 1Plus2.2 have been the baselines. I have to say that the more I listen...
  11. AnakChan

    CanJam London 2024 Impressions Thread (July 20-21, 2024)

    Hear, hear. Tempted to buy but without actually going to the LN show, I feel like a cheat :D.
  12. AnakChan

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Beat Audio Orbit Saga on the Penon Quattro
  13. AnakChan

    The PENON official thread

    I do agree it's personal tastes. Today's listening was putting the Beat Audio Orbit Saga on the Quattro & the Billow MkII on the Voltage. Listening to the Quattro with both stock and with the Beat Audio Orbit Saga, naturally one would expect the Beat Audio cable to bring the most out of this...
  14. AnakChan

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Alas, not mine - it's for review. Ya' know, just when I'm happy with my Brise UPG001Ref 8-wire, this comes along.
  15. AnakChan

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Today’s listening rig…
  16. AnakChan

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Thanks for the check. For now the only transportable I know for sure that can drive the Susvara are the Fiio Q7 DAC/Amp & M17 DAP with 3W/ch @ 32ohm. The Kann Ultra is marked with 16Vrms balanced but I've not tried the Kann as I don't have access to it. Currently I'm bounded by a speaker amp...
  17. AnakChan

    HiFiMan Susvara

    I've actually got the Susvara for many years now (and even wrote a review for it) and have been driving it primarily from speaker amps. These days I've seen more and more powerful DAPs coming up these days (e.g. I've even tried the Fiio M17 with the Susvara already), and am curious if anyone...
  18. AnakChan

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Has anyone tried driving the Susvara with the AK Kann Ultra? I know that transportables like the Fiio M17 are able to and heard that the Kann Ultra has similar capabilities but haven't had any luck in searching any posts of the Kann Ultra with the Susvara.
  19. AnakChan

    PayPal woes - Alternatives (Google Wallet, etc)??

    I understand each of these kinds of services have their fees - for me opting bank transfer has fees higher than PayPal's. I don't mind paying the fees. The only thing is what do I get out of it - when I needed protection as a seller, I didn't. I still disagree with (then) PayPal's anxiousness to...
  20. AnakChan

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Here's my contribution but adding the Ruby to keep this (somewhat) on topic :D
  21. AnakChan

    PayPal woes - Alternatives (Google Wallet, etc)??

    When I first had the issue (back in 2015), there were much fewer options to Paypal. These days there's somewhat more. Since then I've really minimised my usage of PayPal unless absolutely necessary. In fact for some of my purchases, after my PayPal fiasco, I've even opted for bank transfer (to...
  22. AnakChan

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    There's something about audio guys - they seem to also like watches and cameras.