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  1. Luckit


    @ rb2013: FYI firmware updating on XMOS processors was enabled wayyyyy back and not come with this latest chip release! I used it for my WaveIOs starting back in 2012 when I've update its stock firmware (24/192) to 32/384 capabilities and I'm using it right now. In fact, that chip...
  2. Luckit

    M2Tech HiFace 2?

       It may be as you say or not. I don't want to make off topics here so it will be one of my last posts.  Regarding drivers: It's true that Thesycon is charging for drivers but the news (dated 1 year back or more) is that every manufacturer which has built products around XMOS processors has...
  3. Luckit

    M2Tech HiFace 2?

     Well, this could be a useless question for those who are already understanding Luckit's position but for the rest of guys who don't here is a short list of reasons:  1. I found a thread on the internet with clear instructions on how to hack WaveIO's drivers and, coincidentally, the one who...
  4. Luckit

    M2Tech HiFace 2?

    Luckit will release more drivers soon but it will not be so easy to get them from now on. Also Thesycon is aware of this condition and will take appropriate measures. I know from 100% reliable sources :)
  5. Luckit

    PCM270x Replacement

    Hi HIPPOhifi, indeed, datasheet is full of infos... however I'll learn them along with USB specs if I know that TAS1020(B) can handle this amount of data (24/96). Since I don't know USB and Windows, I have another question: can Windows XP source 24/96 (or 24/192) through USB Port (full speed)...
  6. Luckit

    PCM270x Replacement

    Hello guys, I build one module based on SRC4392 (SPDIF Receiver / Transmitter & ASRC) as an remake to my old DAC's digital interface which was limited to 48 KHz input sample rate. It makes 24/192 upsampling to all incoming signals available at one of five inputs: USB, Optical, RCA, BNC and...
  7. Luckit

    some suggestions please

    thank you! I will go there. regards!
  8. Luckit

    some suggestions please

    Hello guys, I build one module based on SRC4392 (SPDIF Receiver / Transmitter / ASRC) as an remake to my old DAC's digital interface which was limited to 48 KHz input sample rate. It makes 24/192 upsampling to all incoming signals available at one of five inputs: USB, Optical, RCA, BNC and...