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  1. thendless

    Best options for DJing Trance/Electronic music in a club environment?

    Ya, the HD25 is constantly mentioned in many forums. I'm looking at other options though. Any other recommendations? How about the Technics RPDH1200s?
  2. thendless

    Best options for DJing Trance/Electronic music in a club environment?

    Any suggestions then? From what I read the Isolation on the HD280 is really good, what other options are there?
  3. thendless

    Best options for DJing Trance/Electronic music in a club environment?

    Hi, I have been researching for headphones for DJing in a club environment for a little while and my most important attribute is a headphone with the best isolation. What are the best options for max isolation? From what I read on DJ forums the Sennheiser HD280 have some of the best isolation...
  4. thendless

    Looking for 50-60$ Cans for a Bedroom DJ

    Ya I'm pretty set on them now, JUst called a local store and tehy have them. Can anyone give me other recommendations?
  5. thendless

    Looking for 50-60$ Cans for a Bedroom DJ

    From what I'm seeing, the AKG K-81 DJ seems to be the best around that price range, am I correct?
  6. thendless

    Looking for 50-60$ Cans for a Bedroom DJ

    I'm relatively new to headphones and I am looking for a decent pair of headphones for DJing. I have been using my Roommates Grado SR125s, and I really like the sound, but I dont find they isolate the sound that well when I'm making sets and blasting music from my speakers. I'm looking in the...