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  • Users: NoDoz
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  1. NoDoz

    Sennheiser HD 598 question

    Hello Im new to the forum and also new to headphone audio.  After some reseach and price point I decided the HD 598s were a good choice for me.  My question is I just built a new computer and bought a motherboard that I thought had a nice feature.  I know the HD 598s dont need a ton of extra...
  2. NoDoz

    Sennheiser 598 question

    Hello Im new to the forum and also new to headphone audio.  After some reseach and price point I decided the HD 598s were a good choice for me.  My question is I just built a new computer and bought a motherboard that I thought had a nice feature.  I know the HD 598s dont need a ton of extra...