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  1. wierddemon

    New Millett Hybrid MiniMAX (what happened to this thread?)

    Quote: Originally Posted by tomb I would recommend that you not mess with the DB's. No offense, but if you have trouble keeping mV straight from V, you could fry the amp in no time. Seriously (not that the above was a total joke), practice a little more taking readings, swapping...
  2. wierddemon

    Best open back headphone for ipod use.

    It is all about personal opinion my friend...
  3. wierddemon

    Best open back headphone for ipod use.

    I concur with Grado PS1000's. I like open ended questions with no budget, it makes suggestions so much easier!
  4. wierddemon

    New Millett Hybrid MiniMAX (what happened to this thread?)

    I have a Millet Hybrid Max that I got second hand about a week ago. This is my first time with tubes and so I know very little. When I was attempting to bias the tubes I noticed that they were close to 21mV each when (if I have been reading correctly) they should be at 13.5mV each since the...
  5. wierddemon

    Play Modern Warfare 2 with a Pair of Grado RS1's

    Quote: Originally Posted by joomongj Just got ME2 today so been playing that. Nice!
  6. wierddemon

    Play Modern Warfare 2 with a Pair of Grado RS1's

    Quote: Originally Posted by Necrolic Erm... there is no sound when people move prone or crouched, period. Ask the devs. The whole point of it is that it is completely silent. He's talking about the act of crouching or getting into the prone position. You can hear them kneel/lay...
  7. wierddemon

    Yet another thread about what to buy

    It really is all about trying a few pairs of headphones out. What is your price range BTW? I have a pair of 7506's and I would recommend them for the use you are describing. I got my pair already worn in and the bass is very good (while being fairly neutral possible leaning towards a warm...
  8. wierddemon

    First time headphone amp advice

    What is your vinyl set-up?
  9. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    The 2 sources I have used are my turntable and my Xbox like so: Turntable -> Receiver -> Headphone (2 diff headphones) Turntable -> Preamp -> Headphone Amp -> Headphone (2 diff headphones) Xbox -> Headphone Amp -> Headphone All of these have the same problem with the left side of the...
  10. wierddemon

    Play Modern Warfare 2 with a Pair of Grado RS1's

    Do it now. Seriously... it's an amazing experience, you won't regret it! I backed myself in a corner and was afraid to go anywhere because I could hear footsteps and explosions all around me! Has anyone else tried this?
  11. wierddemon

    Alternative to Grado

    I use a pair of Sony MDR-7506 for while I'm at work. They aren't really the same as Grado's because I doubt that is really possible with a closed-back headphone, but they produce a surprisingly good sound for a steal of a price. I've also never had anyone mention sound leakage and I've even...
  12. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    So, here's an update. It only gets stranger I'm afraid. After more extensive testing I found that I do sometimes have an issue when it is just my headphones and headphone amp. To fix the issue, all I have to do is turn the headphone amp off and on while my headphones are plugged in and...
  13. wierddemon

    Best tubes for Millett Hybrid Max / RS1's?

    Ah... I'm asking about ones that I don't have yet, not which of the above to use... Good point though, I didn't specify.
  14. wierddemon

    Best tubes for Millett Hybrid Max / RS1's?

    I just recently bought a Millett Hybrid Max ( that comes with the following tubes: Sylvania 12FK6 for a gain of 7 GE 12FM6 for a gain of 10 Tung Sol 12AE6 for a gain of 14 I'm a complete n00b when it comes to tube amps (this is my...
  15. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    I don't have speakers
  16. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    Good idea jazzvinyl! I did that and my Millett and RS1's sounded perfect! I'm still not sure what the deal is with the turntable, it has to be the turntable right?
  17. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    Ok, took my table into the shop and it's perfectly fine on his speakers. I then took it back home and am still having the problem. Different headphones do the same thing, so it isn't the RS1's and different hook ups (receiver vs headphone and preamp) have the same result. I'm still beyond...
  18. wierddemon

    Desperatly need help with my RS1's

    I have no idea what is going on, but here is what I have observed: I hook up my RS1s to a receiver that is connected to a Rega turntable. I got a pair of RS1's a couple weeks ago and never noticed any issues. Today I got a new setup, a Azur 640p preamp and a Millett Hybrid Max headphone amp...
  19. wierddemon

    Seattle/Portland" Meet in the Middle"

    I second the idea of bring a pair of Grado PS1000's
  20. wierddemon

    Seattle/Portland" Meet in the Middle"

    There is a high probability that I'll be going to this meet (my first, woot!). If I can, I'll bring the following: Rega P1 Turntable, Azur 640p preamp, Millett Hybrid Max headphone amp and a pair of Grado RS1's
  21. wierddemon

    Driving the Grado RS-1s (Newbie Style)

    Thanks for all of the suggestions guys! I ended up going with the Millett Hybrid Max and also bought a Azur 640p preamp. Both should be shipping tomorrow and then I can share my experience! Edit: Oh, and btw, I think if I could have gotten anything mentioned here, I would have gotten the...
  22. wierddemon

    What headphones do you have, and what do you still want?

    I have a pair of RS1s (love them!) and I would love to upgrade it to the PS1000s at some point
  23. wierddemon

    Driving the Grado RS-1s (Newbie Style)

    More suggestions is always appriciated Anyone have any experience with the Millett I linked to above?