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  1. mbevier

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote:   Thanks!  Currently the most I'd be amping would be from the e10 - and I'm not even sure if that would handle the AKG well enough.  I've heard good things about the HD598 being a good all rounder and not amp picky.  I think I just needed some confirmation of where I was leaning...
  2. mbevier

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    I currently have the AD700 - which I have really enjoyed.  However, I've been looking to upgrade a bit.  I originally got the AD700 because of it's highly extolled virtue in gaming (positional sound) coupled with it's relatively high quality compared to most "gaming" headsets.  To those ends, it...
  3. mbevier

    Upgrading from AD700: AD900, HD598, or AKG 702?

    Edit:  Just realized there is already a recommendation thread!  Sorry for cluttering - I'll post in there instead.
  4. mbevier

    Upgrading from AD700: AD900, HD598, or AKG 702?

    I currently have the AD700 - which I have really enjoyed.  However, I've been looking to upgrade a bit.  I originally got the AD700 because of it's highly extolled virtue in gaming (positional sound) coupled with it's relatively high quality compared to most "gaming" headsets.  To those ends, it...
  5. mbevier

    Phonak PFE to UM3X?

    Are the Sony hybrid tips worth trying? I like the silicone that came with them, but I have a feeling there is some room for improvement on the fit. Quote: Originally Posted by bixby I have owned the PFEs and The E5 and the T4 and heard the Westone 3. I think Bakhtiar post carries a...
  6. mbevier

    Phonak PFE to UM3X?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zalithian I didn't have a good amp with the PFE's, but I would imagine the PFE's with a decent amp (higher than E5) are similar to the UM3X unamped with a good source. The UM3X's will offer a little bit of a warmer sound. They have more bass quantity and...
  7. mbevier

    Phonak PFE to UM3X?

    I use an E5 with them as well, and can't say I find anything terribly lacking. I am curious what one gets out of $200 more in this range. Looking for reasons to upgrade while at the same time wanting to define exactly what the terms of the upgrade might be. I've never heard the UM3X personally...
  8. mbevier

    Phonak PFE to UM3X?

    I am considering upgrading to the UM3X from the PFE. To the best of my knowledge, it seems like the most logical step up from where I am now, given that I really enjoy the PFE. I'm curious if anyone has thought of doing the same, or could comment on a direct comparison between them. It's...
  9. mbevier

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    I've been spending quite a bit of time trying out the different sizes of silicone tips for the PFEs...and keep coming back the smalls, and I'm curious if anyone else has given them much thought. I thought they looked far too small at first, and assumed they would I didn't even try...
  10. mbevier

    Phonak PFE Rewired?

    Has anyone changed the cable on the PFE yet? From it's construction, it appears to be a fairly simple operation. I was curious if anyone has tried this out yet. With that in mind, what are some of the benefits one might expect to gain from recabling?
  11. mbevier

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by tstarn06 It's a mystery. I know the Phonak rep in the U.S. posted that something new (driver housing at least) would be coming by the end of June. Guess not. End of June is unlikely. Based on the information I have received, it won't be out till the...
  12. mbevier

    NuForce NE-8M?

    Has anyone here tried the NE-8M? How does it compare to the NE-7M that is reviewed and praised here as a great price/performance ratio?
  13. mbevier

    Phonak Audeo?

    Who all has tried the olives with the PFEs? I am thinking about getting some olives, but want to make sure they would be an improvement over the complys. I definitely prefer these styles over the silicon for fit and seal, but the silicon really shines in terms of staying clean. Wheres the...
  14. mbevier

    Phonak Audeo?

    Received my pair last week and am very happy. They are very comfortable and seem to disappear after a while. I agree with a previous comment about these benefiting from a little amping. After using them for a week unamped, I hooked an E5 up and they definitely responded well. I was looking...
  15. mbevier

    REVIEW: WESTONE 3, the ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL IEM vs everything else

    Quote: Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict At the price the SE530 are going for, if you can't afford the Westone 3 then I would look at the discounted Klipsch Image X10 or Phonak Audeo or Livewires customs instead of SE530 - all in a lower price range and a better choice than SE530...
  16. mbevier

    REVIEW: WESTONE 3, the ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL IEM vs everything else

    I have read up to this point in this thread, and am leaning toward the W3's. However, I noticed that currently I can get the SE530's for about $280 while most W3's are at $400. There has been plenty of comparison between the SE530s and the W3s, but how do you feel about the new price...