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  • Users: za51
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  1. za51

    IEM Alternative to RHA MA750i

    I recently purchased the MA750i and love the sound. In very nontechnical terms, they sound "powerful," "full," and "robust," especially compared to the HiFiMan RE-400.   However, I can't stand the around-ear design, and none of the tips fit well for my ear (they are either too small...
  2. za51

    Schiit Stack White Noise

    My modi/magni make an excessive amount of white noise when music is played.   I got the mangni and modi 2 new in the mail today. Installed them with 1.5 foot good quality RCA cables and gold splitters on the Magni to the Modi and phono preamp. I have a good usb 2.0 cable less than 2 meters...
  3. za51

    Good, Well-Priced Headphones (See Inside)

    Also, I see that Joker gives the Rock-It Sounds R-50 a great review. Are these slightly better than the HiFiMan?
  4. za51

    Good, Well-Priced Headphones (See Inside)

    Thanks--I see Joker gives that a good review too. I'll probably end up getting this. Just wondering though: would it be worth it to go a bit higher (to the 150 range)? Or are the differences too minimal until higher price ranges?
  5. za51

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

        Thanks so much for your response! Do you have any suggestions around the price range of the MA-750i? Or do I have to go above $200?
  6. za51

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Hello Joker,   I've heard great things about the RHA MA-750i. But I read a few reviews that say it doesn't handle classical or jazz well. Any thoughts on this? If so, what do you recommend around that price?   Thanks!
  7. za51

    Large Capacity, Reasonably Priced Music Player

    I understand that the Sansa Clip+ is highly rated on here. But it only goes up to 8GB! That's way too small. Are there any good high-capacity players that can play apple lossless for a reasonable price?   I know the iPod classic 160GB is decent, but for $250 you're paying for the apple brand...
  8. za51

    Good, Well-Priced Headphones (See Inside)

    Thanks for the suggestions! I was leaning towards IEMs because of mobility and it's good to know I won't be losing anything.
  9. za51

    Good, Well-Priced Headphones (See Inside)

        Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into them.   The meaning of the "300 dollar" comment was to be found in the statement "for the average listener"--I understand from reading on here that, as you go up, headphones have diminishing returns and you have to be a more advanced listener to...
  10. za51

    Good, Well-Priced Headphones (See Inside)

    Hello. Like almost everyone else, I'm looking for some good, well-priced headphones, But obviously I have some specifications:   1. I commute 2.5 hours a day (total) by train. I take three different trains. Mobility is important. However, I am more than willing to sacrifice mobility for sound...