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  1. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    What is a good non-budget amp with a small foot print?
  2. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    Does the Piety have a break in period or something? What would be a good DAC to use with it?
  3. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    I have the Piety and the Magni+ as well as a Topping L30II on my desk and I don't notice a difference. What would be good tracks to listen to that would clearly demonstrate how they are different?
  4. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    Assuming you have enough power how much difference does the amp actually make? Are there things that an amp can do (distortion-wise) that an EQ cannot?
  5. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    What would you recommend with my budget? What do you get for more money? I don't really care additional features, I just care about the sound quality.
  6. MonkeyDance

    NITSCH x Schiit Magni Piety - Impressions Thread

    How does this compare to higher end Schiit in terms of sound quality (going to be using HD800S unbalanced)? If I have $1,500 to spend is the Piety a good option?
  7. MonkeyDance

    Why do you need a high-end Amp?

    I am powering a pair of Wilson Audio Sabrinas in my office with an Anthem MDX-16. I don't trust people that sell audio gear BUT every single one of them says that this setup is bad. Can someone explain to me why? I use my computer with Apple Music as a source and the new Sonos Port. I can't tell...
  8. MonkeyDance

    Is there a High-end Koss KPH30i?

    I have a pair of Koss KPH30i headphones and I find that this style of headphone is the most comfortable for me. It is better than something that goes in my ears or surrounds my ears. I am wondering if there is a high-end head phone with a similar design that just sits on my ears. My budget is $1k.
  9. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    I’ll request it.
  10. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    If you turn on Exclusive Mode, Tidal will adjust the bit rate of your "audio device" based on the track that is playing. So if I am listening to songs at different sample rates Tidal adjusts my DAC to match the rate of the song. Amazon Music by comparison recommends setting your audio...
  11. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    I use Tidal for music videos. I like to watch them if I am doing cardio at the gym. The selection sucks but I like to avoid Google as much as possible. Spotify, Deezer, and Amazon Music do not have music videos. As of right now I am going to keep my Tidal HiFi subscription. If Amazon comes out...
  12. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    So if you want to listen to Amazon Ultra HD, the best thing to do is either change the sample rate to match each song or just leave it at 44.1? My only options are 32bit in the midi controller. There is no 24bit.
  13. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    So is there any downside to leaving it at 768 kHz? I am not aware of any 768 kHz files on Tidal and I know Amazon HD music only goes to 192 kHz.
  14. MonkeyDance

    Amazon launches Music HD with lossless streaming

    If I leave my DAC at 786kHz via the OSX Midi Controller and listen to Amazon music will it automatically drop to 96, or 44.1 based on the file? I don't really understand what happens. For instance with the Eagles Ultra HD I see the following on Amazon Music: Ultra HD Audio Track Quality: 24...
  15. MonkeyDance

    RIMOWA Luggage-FI

    Have you cracked any of your limbos yet?
  16. MonkeyDance

    RIMOWA Luggage-FI

    I like Rimowa for checked luggage. Not really a fan of it as a carry-on. I have three pieces of the Topaz line, two Limbos and one Salsa Sports Trunk. The main benefit of Rimowa is that is light and strong. For a carry-on it is pretty hard to go over weight and the fact that you don't have...
  17. MonkeyDance

    SMSL SU-8 vs SMSL M8A

    Also, one other question. If I use a balanced input with a unbalanced output on my Amp do I lose anything? Should I be using an amp with a balanced output?
  18. MonkeyDance

    SMSL SU-8 vs SMSL M8A

    Okay Ill try it out and see if i notice a difference.
  19. MonkeyDance

    SMSL SU-8 vs SMSL M8A

    What is good about the XLR? Would There actually be a noticeable difference in sound quality?
  20. MonkeyDance

    SMSL SU-8 vs SMSL M8A

    Is there any benefit to purchasing the SMSL SU-8 ($50) over SMSL M8A? I have an RNHP which does have XLR inputs but other than that are there any benefits of the SU-8 over the SMSL M8A?
  21. MonkeyDance

    Pro-ject Head Box DS2 B vs Rupert Neve RNHP

    Anyone have the Pro-Ject Head Box DS2 B? I am curious to know how it compares to the RNHP. The Pro-ject seems more powerful and has a balanced 4 pin XLR out on the front. I wonder if this is a better amp for the price? $599 for the Pro-Ject and $499 for the RNHP. Also does anyone know where...
  22. MonkeyDance

    Is there *really* an audible difference between different DACs?

    I tried various combinations of the RNHP, Schitt Vali 2, Topping D50, and Schitt Modi Multibit. Basically my only take away is that the RNHP sounds better than the Vali 2. The DACs were interchangeable for me. The Schitt boxes look really nice but the potentiometer on the Vali 2 feels very...
  23. MonkeyDance

    Is there *really* an audible difference between different DACs?

    I am curious to see if I can notice a difference. Apparently the Multibit performed very badly compared to the Modi 3. I have the Multibit coming today and will see if I can hear a...
  24. MonkeyDance

    Is there *really* an audible difference between different DACs?

    This is such an interesting topic. I have been trying to see if I can tell the difference between a separate DAC (Topping d50 and Audioquest DragonFly Red) and plugging in directly to my iMac...I am using Sennheiser HD650s and I can't tell a difference. I think...maybe the D50 might sound the...