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  1. arandomuser

    First expensive headphones (~$200)

    Probably a little v shaped.
  2. arandomuser

    First expensive headphones (~$200)

    Hi, I've been waiting for the PSB m4u line to go on sale. I checked Amazon today and was surprised to see (used) m4u 1 and 2s as well as NAD Viso HP-50s all around $180. Are these the best I can get in this range, (and if so, which sounds the best of the three)? From what I've read, the Visos...
  3. arandomuser

    Cheap (under $100) iem for airplane travel? Recommendations please

    Does the travel kit work with all headphones or just Shures?
  4. arandomuser

    Cheap (under $100) iem for airplane travel? Recommendations please

    I found them for ~$60 on eBay... Are they better than the Gratitudes at $65 on Amazon? Thanks!
  5. arandomuser

    Cheap (under $100) iem for airplane travel? Recommendations please

    The Final Audio Design Heaven II also looks good. Any thoughts?
  6. arandomuser

    Cheap (under $100) iem for airplane travel? Recommendations please

    Hello, I'm relatively new to high quality headphones, and currently only own a pair of Koss ksc75 based on its good reviews here. I am looking for a $100 or less iem for traveling and general use. Right now, I am thinking that the Monster Gratitudes are the best, as they are discounted to $65...