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  1. DrGonzo11

    What's Up With Sennheiser? I Asked The Sennheisers.

    I agree completely, I heard more CYA in that interview than in the article I previously read. Chi-Fi has long since finished devouring the entry level HP business and has just about polished off the midfi tier as well, undercutting the R&D revenue stream for these large diverse legacy...
  2. DrGonzo11

    RCA interconnect suggestions

    Thank you for the advice and suggestions, I appreciate it. I'll start looking in to them!
  3. DrGonzo11

    RCA interconnect suggestions

    I'm contemplating replacing all of my RCA cables (monoprice and seismic audio) with something a little more grown up but I dont want to spend a fortune as I have about 6 cables to replace. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations it would be much appreciated.
  4. DrGonzo11

    HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread

    What is everyone's choice amp combo with their Aryas? I have a feliks audio Elise for my high impedance cans and an smsl SP200 for my planars. Obviously the Elise and the Aryas just dont play nice together but the SP200 also seems to be just a little underpowered or something... it's definitely...
  5. DrGonzo11

    HP Amp help, SMSL SP200 too clinical

    I've been debating on a new cartridge for this table but have been holding off because the sumiko blue point special evo iii on my main rig needs a retip and I can't decide what I want to do with it... I'm not opposed to a blue, I was thinking about getting sumiko Pearl or something as a stand...
  6. DrGonzo11

    HP Amp help, SMSL SP200 too clinical

    Well I guess the obvious and easiest switch would be to find a warmer set of cans to compliment the more clinical stuff I already own rather than buying another amp and or more gear. Do you have any suggestions for headphones in that direction, Sub $1000 preferably? As far as source goes, it is...
  7. DrGonzo11

    HP Amp help, SMSL SP200 too clinical

    I am currently using an S.M.S.L. Sp200 THX 888 Amplifier, I love it and it has no problems powering anything i've thrown at it. Sony MDR-7506, Sennheiser 598, Hifiman HE-4XX, Audeze LCD-2c Closed, Hifiman Sundara and few others. The one thing I have noticed I have been missing sometimes is color...
  8. DrGonzo11

    New Member Introductions thread

    Thank you! On the hunt for my next purchase(s) right now, probably start a help me/suggestions thread soon.
  9. DrGonzo11

    New Member Introductions thread

    New member, on my way deep deep down into the midfi/hifi headphone rabbit hole! Wish me luck, I just hope the fact that it's headphones this time and not speakers and amps will keep divorce out of the conversation. ...if she asks headphones are "cheap"!