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  1. iozz

    DENON DA-10 DSD - New portable DAC/Headphone AMP

    Silly question, but is there a DAC/amp able to read HD files from an iPhone without having to go though the Camera Connection Kit? I really like the sound of this Denon DA10, but I'd like to have something portable, and adding the CCK + USB cable, it's not particularly handy.
  2. iozz

    DENON DA-10 DSD - New portable DAC/Headphone AMP

    Thanks for the advice cyrusgod. So for my iphone6+, is this this one I need to buy?
  3. iozz

    DENON DA-10 DSD - New portable DAC/Headphone AMP

    I have a strange thing appearing on screen when using my iPhone Onkyo HF Player app with this Denon DA-10 and 24/96 FLAC files... On the upper left side of the screen, it's written "PCM 48kHz", what does it mean? Is my file downsampled to 48kHz?     I plug the Denon DA-10 using the...
  4. iozz

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    Quote: Wow, I'm close :)  
  5. iozz

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    Quote: Just to know, what's your SN? I can't wait to have mine :)
  6. iozz

    Review: Peachtree Audio Nova

    Nice review, thanks :)
  7. iozz

    Ultrasone nightmares

    That's pretty scary for a company that sells high end and expensive headphones...
  8. iozz

    Balanced rig for HD800 and Edition9

    My idea is more to upgrade without closing the balanced door: A better DAC than the V-DAC, a better amp than the Solo, but balanced. The same for the recabling: I've been hesitating to recable my Edition9 for years and have contacted Alex many times for questions. If I do it I'll choose a...
  9. iozz

    Balanced rig for HD800 and Edition9

    I currently own the following rig: Source: PC + Musical Fidelity V-DAC Amp: Graham Slee Solo Phones: HD800 and Edition9 I'm thinking of going balanced to fill my curiosity, but wouldn't want to spend money for a sidegrade (or worse: downgrade). So my question is: Which balanced DAC and...
  10. iozz

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    I'd like one please * Color: black * Country: France * Optional Micro-B cable for charging (+$10): Yes
  11. iozz

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Portable Amplifier

    Quote: Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict I posted on 6/1/09 after CanJam that I was in 100% for one, after I compared it to the Pico w/DAC and P-51 at Justin's table. That's a pretty exciting quick review Can't wait to listen to it!
  12. iozz

    Emmeline "The Shadow"

    Quote: Originally Posted by hd650 How does it sound? It is really difficult for me to decide between shadow and P51, by considering P51's superb review. Same question for me: How does it compare to the P51 or the Predator?
  13. iozz

    Edition 8 - my first hands on impression

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangerine I will release a comparison writing next monday between the headphones Hd-800 and ED-8. Can't wait to read it
  14. iozz

    Grado "RS-1"RS-2"MS-Pro"

    Quote: Originally Posted by Blackmore They are quite neutral, with not extended/picky top end, no matter what, at least I didn't experienced such thing. They sound pretty good, but you have to love their sound after all. On the other hand if we compare MS PRO and HP1000, MS PRO are...
  15. iozz

    Keces vs. Musiland vs. Yulong

    Quote: Originally Posted by johnation33 sorry that statement doesnt make sense to me... you mean the other way around right? the MD10 has more features and connectivity BUT the da-151 is warmer sounding and less airy? because the keces really has no features/connectivity options...just...
  16. iozz

    Keces vs. Musiland vs. Yulong

    I've owned the Musiland MD10 and the Keces DA-151 and I've kept the DA-151. The MD10 is warmer sounding and less airy than the Keces, but has more features and connectivity options. And the DA-151 beats the MD10 in terms of housing quality and design
  17. iozz

    Keces DA-152

    No review for the moment?
  18. iozz

    Emmeline, P-51, The Mustang...

    Nice buzz here Is it a replacement for the TH or a completetly different product in the product line?
  19. iozz

    Head-Direct EF1

    I have to agree. I've spent some time now with a review unit that I've finally bought, and it's a great amp for the price. It's mandatory to change the tube but with a RCA tube the EF1 sounds excellent, a little bright for my taste but very punchy and with a large soundstage. Great amp!
  20. iozz

    New iQube V2 is coming!

    Great news guys Can't wait to have my hands on it !!
  21. iozz


    Thanks for the feedback! What about the differences between deep cups and V4?
  22. iozz


    Quote: Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict although reading that the V4 fixes that makes me curious to try them again. Same for me
  23. iozz

    REVIEW: Keces DA-151 DAC 800+ hours burn-in

    Quote: Originally Posted by Maniac Let it burn in a bit more, and you can leave it on all the time to speed up burn-in and eliminate warm up time (Yes, even DACs needs a little bit of warm up time, even if it doesn't use tubes or use heavy class-A operation). It will get less clinical...
  24. iozz

    REVIEW: Keces DA-151 DAC 800+ hours burn-in

    Just received my DA-151 yesterday evening. Out of the box and plugged to my PC playing FLAC files and RSA HR-2 driving Edtion9, Grado HP2 and Alessandro MS-Pro, it sounds very clinical and neutral, with a wide soundstage. I was a bit shocked at first because I'm used to my SVDAC05 which is...
  25. iozz

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Emmeline "The Black Bird" SR-71A

    Nice, can't wait to see some pics and read some reviews