Recent content by tony2win
  1. tony2win

    VA/MD/Washington DC on MAY 29th, 2010 NEW

    Gahh I totally forgot about the meet and missed it. SAD! I was at the Wringling Brothers circus instead since my g/f "surprised" me with tickets to it this morning... arghhh.
  2. tony2win

    The JH16 Pro: JH Audio Announces The JH Audio JH16 Pro Custom In-Ear Monitor

    These are insane IEMs.. but I want them ALL, even if they are pretty much equal with different sound signatures.. ;D
  3. tony2win

    Shure SE530 -- too much definition?

    Thanks for all the input, guys! I'll follow your recommendations and try them for another week or two. If that doesn't work, you guys have given me a huge selection of possible choices. From all those listed, I'm hoping for somehing of comparable price/value to these SE530s, or maybe I should...
  4. tony2win

    Shure SE530 -- too much definition?

    Quote: Originally Posted by beamthegreat Try the westone 3, I think the ie8 will have too much bass for you. I'm beginning to think that it's just the separation/in-your-face-ness of... well, pretty much everything of the SE530s that gets me, and necessarily the bass. I'm still...
  5. tony2win

    Shure SE530 -- too much definition?

    Wow, you guys are awesome here. Thanks for all the input; I really appreciate it! I can see what you guys mean by the SE530s just being too much. I guess I'll be trying to sell them or trade them away pretty soon. I guess the SE420 would be a logical upgrade from the e4c. At the same time...
  6. tony2win

    VA/MD/Washington DC on MAY 29th, 2010 NEW

    I'm new to the game, though I'd love to come. All I have are my slightly wimp Shure e4c and SE530 IEMs, though. But I'd love to meet everyone and see what I might be like in the future.
  7. tony2win

    Shure SE530 -- too much definition?

    First post here on Head-Fi, so please excuse my n00bishness. Sorry for the lack of refinement of this post; I'd like to think of myself as an up and coming audiophile, but I know I have leagues to go. For the record: I rarely use speakers or full-sized headphones. My situation at home...