Recent content by stevo937
  1. stevo937

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by JuStlcE It just not complete PerfectFit<font size="1">(TM)</font> Optional Accessory For Any Brand of Isolation Earphones<br><font size="2">Perfect Your Isolation Earphone System: Add Custom Fitted Ear Molds!</font> - Earphone Accessories Thanks bro...
  2. stevo937

    Anyone still usin' UE Super.Fi 5 Pros?

    Rocking out to them with some A Day To Remember right now. Love 'em, not getting rid of them anytime soon. My first dual driver IEMs actually.
  3. stevo937

    UE 5 owner has a question

    Quote: Originally Posted by ethan961 You could get a FiiO E5 for $20 from dealextreme, and at that price, you don't really have to worry about it being worth it or not, its only $20. Best way to find out is to try it yourself. It does have a bass boost, so if you feel like they lack a...
  4. stevo937

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by romanesq Started with the super fi .5 pros and liked them but never could find a good solution to wearing them for any extended period beyond 45 minutes. Came across www.earplugstore and an at home custom mold solution for $115. The mold would also work...
  5. stevo937

    UE 5 owner has a question

    So I've had these gems for about a year now and love them. In fact, I am listening to them right now! Anyways, what kind of after market tips do you guys recommend for these? Also, is it worth getting an amp for these?
  6. stevo937

    What is a CD player! Please help!!!

    Man, I am thankful for my Zune and iPod. No more having to carry around 25 CD's with a player anymore.
  7. stevo937

    Whats a good IEM for Metal? 5 Pro's? I don't know about using those for metal. I had them and had to turn the bass down on my ipod because the bass was overpowering through the's with some of the bands I listen to.
  8. stevo937

    Talk to me about the UM2 v. 5 pro... again

    Quote: Originally Posted by plywood99 Yeah Danny is quite the drum beater. But anyway, the se310 is NOTHING like the superfi. It fits totally in the ear, nothing protruding out. I sleep with them on all the time. Wish more people would try them, since they are so fresh to market...
  9. stevo937

    Headphones vs. Earphones

    What headphones would compare to the sound of earphones like 5 pros and ety's ER-4P?
  10. stevo937

    Headphones vs. Earphones

    I'm kind of curious, but it seems that headphones are much cheaper than earphones on a same sound basis. Is this true?
  11. stevo937

    Etymotic ER-4p/s vs. UE 5 Pro

    I have such a diverse taste of music. Bass is nice but I don't want it sucking away from the detail too much. I don't think the UE do that though.
  12. stevo937

    Etymotic ER-4p/s vs. UE 5 Pro

    So I can't decide what I want to get. It's definitely between these two headphones. I have now the UE but I was wondering should I pick up the Ety's instead. The sound on the UE's are amazing for some bands, but I was wondering if I could get a better sound for some of my other rock bands. Would...
  13. stevo937

    Etymotic ER4P/S Appreciation Thread

    So ety's would be an improvement over my UE Pro's?
  14. stevo937

    The Westone UM1/UM2 Appreciation Thread

    Can you guys sleep/lay on the side of your head wearing these?
  15. stevo937

    ETYMŌTIC IEM Owners Headcount - Are you one?

    How much do you guys like your ER-4? Are they comfortable?