siderak's latest activity
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to Ronion's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    My prediction for 2025 is that the "Earbud" cycle will be a standard feature on all high end washing machines with lesser machines...
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    I guess there really IS a hands off approach to washing those foams. Well, that is solved. Now we just need to figure out what happens...
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to Ronion's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    I found the problem! There are 2 adjustment screws near the base of the tubes. Twisted them a little and it's now perfect! The fix...
  • siderak
    siderak replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
    Ha ha for sure!!! hypoallergenic scent free detergent in case anyone was wondering…
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    This is called good QC check! "Wash in" is the new Burn in!
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to HarryCustom's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    Thank you and to you all who responded. The solution that almost everyone has proposed, which is to buy headphones and detachable cable...
  • siderak
    siderak replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
    Did laundry and discovered my missing RY4S’s as I was transferring the load into the dryer. The foams were still on. I let them sit for...
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to WoodyLuvr's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    Check out Wong's (Blur) latest creation here
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    I auditioned the Fiio EM5 for about 45 min a few months ago, wasn't too impressed with it too, considering the price. I had a major...
  • siderak
    siderak replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
    You’re making me feel better about cancelling my order. I decided I needed a new audio interface instead and went with a really nice...
  • siderak
    siderak replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
    Wow that’s really interesting! Makes a lot of sense!
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to WoodyLuvr's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    Yes, besides heavy metal Willy is/was into binaural recordings perhaps explaining why it crept into his house tuning :wink: .
  • siderak
    siderak replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
    I love the MK2. Was a great allrounder for me. Amazed that I could hear sounds behind me. Haven't experienced that with any other earbud.
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to WoodyLuvr's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    Perhaps one of Willy's recent WillSound MK2 models.
  • siderak
    siderak reacted to 40760's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
    From what I've listened, probably the K's 300 Samsara or Yinman 600. Both are not that easy to find for my case though.