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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread Philips Fidelio X1S vs X2HR.
      Oh I can tell the difference. I prefer the X1S to the X2HR. They are both great headphones, but the subbass on the X2HR is heavier and...
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      Seoulcomp posted a reply to a review on the item Audeze Sine.
      Which earpads did you use? I would love to change the one thing I don't like about them (the fit.)
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      I have fielded this already for some. To me the Elegia, especially at the new lower price is now my favorite closed-back. However, it...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      If you are looking for more V-shaped sound, certainly. 770s have sweet soundstage, albeit the K371 probably have better mids and perhaps...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      I thought I would also add two cents about Beats that someone mentioned earlier. It is true that most Beats are not great. However...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      I was saying my "fav" in a subjective way of course. I totally know about the objective measurements. The beauty of all this is that...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      I do feel the K371 can have a little "intense" bass for my taste, but I would never call it bloat, it is certainly excellent and clear...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      yes the 371 is the successor, but only kinda--and AKG still sells all of them. The K553 has a very different headband and earcup system...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      Certainly the open back HD58X wasn't going to be helped by a white noise machine! Was this what this was all about? So I did a test...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      After all this time, having all of these, I still come to this conclusion: the AKG K553 MKII is still better, so get that instead.
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      Let's see (proceeds to put on my K371, claps hands; then DT770...and for good measure, my HD280). They all suck for that purpose. But...
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      Oh, I forgot, my absolute favorite "neutral" headphones, especially for analytical listening: AKG K612
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      Seoulcomp replied to the thread AKG K361/K371.
      "Flat" and "neutral" are definitely subjective terms. Harmon, Diffuse Field, the like etc. is not meant to be neutral anyway. Harmon...
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      How does one remove the pads, to put on the other ones? The manual only shows how to put them on, but not take them off.
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      Maybe someone answered this here, but maybe I am missing this. Since a (non-powered with speaker cable) subwoofer only has 1 (+/-)...
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