Recent content by sbsolarski
  1. sbsolarski

    Pioneer VSX-521 and Edifier R2750DB

    Bump. I ended up purchasing the speakers to test if I can indeed connect them to the VSX-521 and unfortunately I cannot. The only Pre-Outs are for Front Height Speakers or Back Surround as part of a surround setup. Short story there is no possible way for my to pre-out stereo with that AV...
  2. sbsolarski

    Pioneer VSX-521 and Edifier R2750DB

    Hi everyone, I plan to purchase a pair of Edifier R2750DB active speakers for my TV setup. At the moment I use a Pioneer VSX-521 with a bunch of passive speakers + sub. Can I still use the VSX-521 with my active speakers? how would I go about connecting them together? I've copied the IO...
  3. sbsolarski

    About to take the plunge and purchase an Asgard 3 + AK4490 DAC combo

    Hey! So I'm about purchase an Asgard 3 + AK4490 DAC combo but before I do so I was hoping to garner some opinion around these neck of the woods. So my current set up is: Amp: Magni 2 Uber + Motherboard Texas Instruments RC4580 op-amp (set to minimum) DAC: Motherboard Sound - SupremeFX S1220...
  4. sbsolarski

    Voltage Output STX vs ZXR for DT880

    Hey, sorry mate bit confused on how you phrased it. So would you recommend I stay with the Xonar or that the difference between the STX and ZXR is "barely audible"?
  5. sbsolarski

    Voltage Output STX vs ZXR for DT880

    Thanks STV, in the big scheme of things are the differences minor? That is, will I be able to notice it with the DT880s (250 ohm).     I have an STX however I'm considering swapping for an ZXR for the SBX audio engine (Dolby Headphone has a bit too much reverb) - only thing is I don't see...
  6. sbsolarski

    Voltage Output STX vs ZXR for DT880

    Hi guys,   Can anyone comment on the voltage out put of the Asus Xonar STX vs the Sound Blaster ZXR.   Planning to get the DT880 headphones and I'd like to know which of the two cards are more suited to driving it.   Both cards have an amp however I've heard that the STX outputs...