Rudymish replied to the thread RikuBuds Hangout.Where is the link to buy rikubuds?
Rudymish reacted to oldkid's post in the thread Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp with Like.Yes. These small adapters are very cheap on Amazon or anywhere else really. RU6 with a good quality USB cable and a noise filter like...
Rudymish replied to the thread Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp.https://www.headphonezone.in/products/ifi-audio-idefender-plus?variant=31934068981823&gclid=CjwKCAjwpayjBhAnEiwA-7enawyFKyknh66N0ox90zK1u...
Rudymish reacted to ClieOS's post in the thread Cayin RU6: R-2R USB Dongle DAC with Head-Amp with Like.Generally input impedance for most amp goes from a few hundred ohm to about a thousand or so. I won't be too worry.