Recent content by primer
  1. primer

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote:   Thanks tomb, managed to desolder the sockets finally.
  2. primer

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Damn it ................. I'm nearly finished populating the MAX and I just realised that I forget the LEDs.  sh#t  sh#t  sh#t  
  3. primer

    Oh where, oh where has my slim Arrow gone, oh where, oh where can it be?

    Quote: Thinking about getting one but 16 weeks!
  4. primer

    Cavalli EHHA Embedded Hybrid Headphone Amp

    Much expletives when you noticed the errors.  I'm glad everything turned out well.  Looks good.
  5. primer

    Post pics of your builds....

    Quote: Yep nice dovetails.
  6. primer

    Built and tested Alien DAC

    Quote: Originally Posted by mwallace573 Just out of curiosity where do you buy an Alien DAC kit? Try Jeff who sells complete kits
  7. primer

    DIY tips and tricks...add some.

    mb3k, the stand looks good. Is it expensive?
  8. primer

    Alien DAC v1.1 Construction Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jrossel I now have boards with the DAC chip soldered to them. Let me know if you want one. JR Do I order this at your site?
  9. primer

    Any suggestions on a new wire stripper?

    These are quite good especially on teflon.
  10. primer

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by tomb Colin ordered somewhere around 30+ extra boards. That's not counting the multiples that many ordered who may decide not to build every one of them. In addition, we had talked about having another Group Buy around Christmas time, but that depends on a...
  11. primer and VAT

    Quote: Originally Posted by plainsong Depending on what you get in the mail here, it's 30%. And it's anything over 50USD in value That is tough!
  12. primer

    The Waiting for thread

    Waiting for ATH-AD2000 to ship.
  13. primer

    Heatgun Suggestions Needed

    How about this Its small and effective.