piglet's latest activity
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to geoffalter11's reply to a review on item Meier-Audio Corda Soul with Like Like.
    That is funny. I suggest not dialing it at all and just enjoying its brilliance. Accept the crossfeed which is amazing.
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to warrenpchi's reply to a review on item Meier-Audio Corda Soul with Like Like.
    Con: Figuring out how to dial the Stargate.
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to heliosphann's reply to a review on item Meier-Audio Corda Soul with Like Like.
    Great write up Geoff! I'll add it to the list of things I want. 😄
  • piglet
    piglet posted a reply to a review on the item Meier-Audio Corda Soul.
    My new Corda Soul MkII arrived yesterday and I had a late night last night listening to music with it, up 'til 5am actually. I am...
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to geoffalter11's review on item Meier-Audio Corda Soul with Like Like.
    Well, this review has been in the works for far too long. For that I owe Arthur Power at Power Holdings, and Dr Jan Meier my sincerest...
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to HWB3's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
    Grado family picture.
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Grado sell that 4 metre cable but I think an extension of about 1 metre would be very useful to many people. The original cable with my...
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    The SR325x cans are surely perfect for this CD: I actually have the original LP of Entertainment by the Gang of Four which I bought...
    • IMG_0905.jpeg
  • piglet
    piglet reacted to username643827's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
    Someone is selling there RS1 button with the RA-1 amp :eyes:! Place a bid and see if you can get it:wink...
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    That person likes to have a few drinks at the weekend, then they come home late and want to listen to music so they use their Grado...
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    That's how it is in the UK as well.
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Hi I saw that pair on eBay. I was thinking they looked extremely nice indeed :gs1000smile:
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    Yes that is a really good review and very interesting for me because I'm a month into ownership of these very same cans and so I'm still...
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    I first encountered something like this in the 1980s when I was a motorcyclist. I and all the other motorcyclists would sneer at BMW...
  • piglet
    piglet replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
    I wish I'd got it earlier actually.